thirty-six - dance

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I DON'T THINK Harry and I had ever been in this kind of situation.

It had always kind of been just the two of us. Sometimes, rarely, there was another person or two, but mostly, we liked being just the two of us. We rarely hung out with Harry's friends because I didn't think very highly of them and Harry didn't hang out with my friends because I didn't have that many and Harry didn't like to socialize.

So the wedding was unusual for the both of us. We were sitting with six other people, and still we preferred talking to each other. Some of them did try and talk to me, always started with the fact that they remembered seeing me when we were younger, but the conversations all ended shortly after that. There were only so many polite conversations that we could have, we used them all in the first half hour. I didn't have a problem with that, I loved talking to Harry and I think, I hope, that he liked it as well.

As the dinner went on, we both relaxed a little more. On my part, I think I just grew comfortable and confident that tonight was going to be fine. On Harry's part, I think it was the few drinks that he had along with his meal. Although he had drunk a few glasses, he seemed to handle them reasonably well. He was smiling a little more, laughing a little more, touching my thighs a little more and I loved it. It wasn't how I imagined it would go, but it seemed that even in this situation we had managed to create our own little bubble.

I think it got even better when we ate the last bite of our dessert and the music started to play a little louder. Everyone slowly gathered on the dance floor, until Harry and I were almost the only one still sitting down. Apart from Tom and Gemma.

I looked at the people dancing and took a quick glance at Harry, he was looking at them too, but then our eyes met.

"You want to go?" he asked with his head leaning to one side.

I shrugged, although I actually wanted to go, if Harry didn't feel like getting in the crowd to dance, I wasn't going to force him to. But he saw right through me, he could tell that I wanted to go. So he laughed and shook his head before chugging the rest of his glass. He got up, stumbled a little, but quickly recovered. Then, he took my hand and dragged me to the dancefloor.

We didn't dance much, mostly we just stood there, glued to each other and swung from side to side to the beat of the music. Sometimes he would make me turn and then he would pull me back to him, my back to his front, and bury his face in the crook of my neck.

"I'm glad that you're here with me," he whispered before kissing my neck.

I could feel his warm breath against my skin, I could smell his perfume and I could smell the whiskey. It was a heavenly mix that reminded me of the last few years that we had had and although some of the memories weren't ones that I wanted to remember, I appreciated every step in our journey.

"Me too," I replied, turning my head slightly so that I could see his face.

He was smiling and looking at me with loving eyes. He looked so incredibly beautiful, it made my heart skip a beat.

We danced for a few songs until the music faded into a slower song. Everyone stepped away to let the bride and the groom in the center where they danced to their song.

Harry held me against him as we stayed on the outside of the crowd. Our eyes were fixated on Gemma and Tom's first dance as a married couple. They danced together to two songs and eventually people started to gather around them, but Harry and I stayed in the same spot. My eyes couldn't leave the newly-wed.

"I want this someday," I blurted out.

Harry's head turned quickly to me, but I kept staring ahead, too embarrassed that I had said this out loud. "What?" he asked, wanting me to repeat what I had just said.

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