twenty-three - peace

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*rip long hair </3

WHEN I HIT my head a few days ago, my goal wasn't to have a few days off, but I had to admit that it was nice to take a break from work. During the few days that I had, I didn't do much apart from resting and spending time with Harry.

However, in the last three days, I hadn't seen Harry that much, he had been busy with work; He would come to my place late, fall asleep next to me and be gone early in the morning. It was always a disappointment to wake up alone, next to tousled sheets that still held a little warmth from Harry's body, but I cherished the fact that no matter how busy he was, he still came back to me every night.

I didn't hold it against him, how could I when he had been so caring with me lately? I knew he had to work and I understood, even appreciated it. It gave me time to myself and even gave me the opportunity to spend some time with Wendy and heal our friendship.

With a little time, I learned to understand her motives and the reason she acted the way she did. However, this confession had taken a toll on our friendship and there was a possibility that no matter what we did, we could never get back to the way things were. I wasn't mad anymore, but there were still issues that I didn't quite know how to solve. I didn't want to flaunt my relationship in front of her, knowing that she had feelings for my boyfriend. Plus, my possessive side made me want to avoid them seeing each other.

Still, I made the effort to build back our friendship, or at least what was salvageable.

So, the last three days I had with Wendy, I made sure that we talked and spent some time together. I didn't necessarily want us to talk about the situation with Harry, and we actually didn't. The important thing was to be reminded why we were such good friends before and by the end of my recovery period, I think Wendy and I were on pretty solid ground and I didn't consider our situation to be a problem anymore. It was a weight off of my shoulder and seemed like every day things got a little better in my life.

It got even better when I realized that Harry and I were approaching our one month together.

The date that we officially started dating was unclear because we had two important milestones in our relationship. Since we'd officially talked about me being his girlfriend, it had only been around two weeks, but since I had decided to give him a chance, which I believed was far more significant, it had been a month. Well, actually, in two days it would be the mark of our one month together, but since I was going to be at work on that day, I thought I'd surprise Harry tonight instead.

Therefore, on my last day off, I made sure to gather everything I needed for my surprise. I wasn't planning anything too fancy, but a simple wink to what had happened on that special day. I remembered him trying to make me pancakes the morning after and failing miserably but it was his first act to show me he was trying, that he took me giving him a chance seriously. That's why I decided that it was a good idea to prepare him pancakes for the occasion.

So, on my last night before going back to work, I went to the grocery store and gathered all the necessary ingredients before heading to Harry's apartment. I didn't really know when Harry would be at his place. We had planned to meet there at 8 because he said that he had something before, but I wanted to get everything ready for when we'd be spending our evening together. I had a key to Harry's place in case he was out, so I had everything in control. Or so I thought.

I arrived in front of Harry's doorstep, grocery bags in hand and knocked, just in case he was there. The second the door opened, I wondered if I had the curse to be caught in a time loop. Instead of Harry, the person that opened the door was someone I would've preferred to avoid for the rest of my life: Ryan.

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