four - dirty *

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HARRY RADIATED CONFIDENCE. In the way he walked inside his apartment, in the way the muscles in his shoulders and back flexed as he moved, there was something about him that just made you turn your head to look at him. He had always come out as confident, but a dark kind of confident. You'd take one look at him and you would know that he was not one you messed with. But now, now there was something different, a spark in his eyes, a constant smirk on his lips, and I loved it.

He still looked like the kind of guy you didn't want to mess with, but attractive. The kind of guy you would burn for. Or at least, I would.

With my bag in hand, Harry went to his bedroom to put my stuff in it. I waited for him in the kitchen, casually leaning in on the counter and looked around. This was the first time that I came back to Harry's place since he so cruelly spoke to me. It was weird to be standing here after so long. Although, it wasn't truly that long ago, but so much had changed since, it might as well have been years.

My hands were folded together as I mindlessly played with my fingers to kill time. When Harry came back in the kitchen, his lips were still slightly lifted in the corners. It was a shy smile that I saw so rarely on him. It was so rare that the simple sight of it made my heart melt and my legs go numb. I had to reach for the counter behind me to keep me standing straight.

Harry came to stand right in front of me and for the first time since he arrived, I realized that he reeked. I crinkled my nose and turned my head. I had seen and smelled Harry sweaty, in very dreamy circumstances, but this was something else. He had probably been working all day and that's what made the smell so intense.

"Harry," I said while pinching my nose to tease him.

His shy smile turned into a smirk. "Mhm?"

Slowly he leaned in, turning his head slightly so that his lips would land perfectly on my left cheek. His lips lingered around, sending shivers down my spine.

"You stink," I whispered distracted, not really sure if I meant it anymore.

"Do I?" he wondered out loud, mischief clear in his eyes.

I nodded as his lips trailed across my chin, to my other cheek. It seemed to be his new routine, kissing both of my cheeks before going to my lips. As if every time he tested the water, gathered up the courage to jump all in. It was teasing, it was loving, and it made excitement flower in my stomach and along with it, guilt. I loved him so and if I wanted to honor those feelings I had to tell him about the adoption.

"Yes you do," I replied, shaking my head to clear my thoughts.

"Mhm," he mumbled before his lips moved to my mouth. He stopped at the corner of my lips before pulling back slightly. "If I really stink, you probably don't want me to continue this," he challenged.

I couldn't help but to smile, he was being so playful, it was a sight to see and made me completely forget about what I wanted to say. With my lower lip captured between my teeth, I leaned in. Pouting, I stopped millimeters away from his lips expecting him to take the last step. Without a word, Harry smiled and pressed his lips against mine. The kiss was quick but satisfying. It eased a bit of the tension I felt, but not all of it. It clearly didn't change the fact that I had to tell him, if anything I wanted to tell him even more now. But Harry spoke before I could.

"It's hard to resist you. Especially when you smell like bacon," he chuckled and pulled away slightly, one his eyebrows raised. "Why do you smell like bacon?"

I laughed and raised my shoulders. "I don't know? People ate bacon at the restaurant today apparently."

"Well thank you wonderful clients of The Crown. It's strangely mouth-watering, your perfume mixed with the scent of your skin and the smell of bacon is something." I blushed but quickly tried to cover it up, by hitting him playfully on the shoulder. Harry's laugh echoed in the room before he hid his face in my neck. "Maybe we should shower."

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