1. My Masters

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Characters: SSA Derek Morgan (Criminal Minds) and CSI Dr. Sheldon Hawkes (CSI: NY). I my world these two are a couple.

Warning: M/M slash.

Chapter 1: My Masters

Summary: Clooney watches his Masters sleep.

I didn't like him at first. I thought he was interrupting our family life. His shoes smelled funny, like nasty stuff. I guess New Yorkers just smell that way? For so long it had just been the two of us. No one else. Well, family comes to visit but they don't really count. There is a list of men, not an incredibly long one, but a list nonetheless. Men who have been here and barely tried to get to know me. They just looked at me as if they had stepped into my business before walking into the house. Well, they were stepping into my house; as far as I'm concerned that is stepping into my business.

I've had to protect my master from a few who thought violence was a way to love him. It wasn't. Never will be. Some men were selfish and mean. Not animal lovers at all. I hated the ones who left in the middle of the night, without a word never calling. He's had many sleepless nights. I wish I could tell you all of them but there are too many to count. Not all of them belonged to Master Derek. When Master Spencer was here, some nights there was no sleep. Those nights, I tried to be the best companion I could be, for both.

But now, it's different. Master Sheldon is here. Master Derek sleeps more during the night. Master Sheldon talks to me, he feeds me, he pets me. He knows that in order to love Master Derek properly, he has to love me too. As I watch from my special corner, Master Derek sleeps with his head on Master Sheldon's chest, so he can hear his heartbeat. It comforts him. Knowing that he is happy and can sleep, comforts me.

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