6. A Few More Years

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Characters: Saul Holden and my character Dr. Russell Daniels (Brothers and Sisters)

Warning: Established relationship between two men.

Chapter 6: A Few More Years

Summary: As Russell watches Saul sleep, he prays for a few more years.

Dr. Russell Daniels finally walked into his home. He had been on tour promoting his new jazz CD. It wasn't a fifty-city tour or anything like that but four jazz festivals, one cruise, six college campuses later, it sure felt like it. Bad weather prevented him from coming home two days ago as planned. He missed his family.

He dragged his suitcases right down the hall straight to the laundry room. A big colorful banner filled with music notes shouted the words no one was awake to say "Welcome Home Daddy!" Knowing he would stop there first, made it the perfect location. He laughed and smiled at his daughters' creativity.

As he walked into Athena's room, he picked up her toy du jour, which had fallen on the floor. He kissed her forehead as he tucked the pink rabbit back into her arms. Aida was a different story. Past the age of sleeping with a toy, she took to having music help her sleep. The Chopin CD he'd bought for her was on repeat as this was the music she was working on in her lessons. When Russell kissed her cheek, he noticed that her fingers seemed to move with the music, as if she were playing along in her sleep.

Finally, he entered his own room that he shared with his husband Saul. Saul was sleeping peacefully and deeply. Being Mr. Mom and owning a business took its toll on him. Russell undressed and got into bed. Saul felt that he was there and snuggled close to him, whispering "Welcome Home". He wished that they had met earlier in their lives. Saul was now seventy-three and Russell fifty-seven. He asked God for a few more years with this lovely man. If nothing else to be close while they slept.

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