11. The Musings Of A Mistress Pt. 1

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Characters: President Fitzgerald Grant and Olivia Pope (Scandal)

Warning: None

Chapter 11: The musings of a mistress Pt.1

Summary: Olivia has questions but no answers.

Olivia sat in the armchair with her legs tucked underneath her, wearing nothing but her lacy green panties and his button down shirt. The moonlight spread softly across his back as she savored his scent- his cologne, shampoo, him. Fitz, her lover, her boyfriend, her President was asleep in her bed. The strong back that bore the worries of the nation was surrounded by her legs as he thrust deeper inside her, reducing her moans to silent gasps and eyes rolling in the back of her head.

She wondered how he could sleep so soundly, with highly trusted members of his Secret Service detail protecting her door and building. At any moment they could be seen. At any moment he could be called away on emergency. And how would he explain where he'd been? What would he tell Mellie if she asked? Or anyone else if they asked? He risks so much. Am I worth it?

Fitz snores gently and she wonders if he sleeps so peacefully with her. Why do I love him so? Olivia questions and sighs. Why can't I let him go? Why can't we let each other go? She watches as he turns over and opens his eyes. She smiles. With sleep surrounding his voice he says....



"Does your mind ever shut off? You should be asleep, next to me."

"Does yours?"


"Am I thinking too loud?"

"Yes." he responds as his hand invites her back to bed. Olivia walks over.

"Don't you want to know what I'm thinking?"

"Not as much as I want your arms around me." She climbs in next to him and pulls him into her arms. "You know I'm not gonna wash that shirt."

"Funny, I was thinking the same thing." After five minutes he was asleep again.

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