4. Pajama Party

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Characters: CPS James Steel and my character Janessa Blake (Law and Order: UK)

Warning: None

Chapter 4: Pajama Party

Summary: James and his son Ethan try their best to stay up late.

The only words that come to mind are absolutely adorable. Although, Ethan would hate those words. Of course, he would. What ten-year-old boy wants to be called adorable by anyone, let alone his stepmother?

But Janessa Blake-Steel couldn't help it. The sight made her smile. Ethan had been through a lot this past year. His sleepless nights started last summer when Ethan found out his mother was getting married again. The three were on holiday with James's parents at their beach house when they found out. That first night, Ethan couldn't sleep. He eventually slept between them, but it was far from restful.

Once home, he had trouble sleeping. He had no problem nodding off in school or church. Worry was keeping him up at night. This was too much stress for a child. And when Ethan had trouble sleeping, so did James. He tossed and turned enough with work on his mind, now the welfare of his son had been added to it. James slept even less when he discovered that his ex-wife's fiancé didn't want a ready-made family. She was giving up custody of Ethan.

This little boy's precious life was shattered. He felt his mother no longer loved or wanted him. He cried constantly in his sleep, when he slept. Janessa spent many nights at Ethan's bedside so James could sleep and prepare for court.

Now the hardest part was behind them. They were a family, one that Ethan could depend one. And one that believed that Friday nights were for pajamas, pizza and staying up as late as possible. The two loves of her life were knocked out on the couch. Strong as she was she couldn't pick them up and carry them to bed. She grabbed a large quilt and joined them on the couch.

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