7. Stormy Weather

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Characters: American Idol runner-up Adam Lambert and my character Sebastian James Kyle III.

Warning: Established relationship between two men.

Chapter 7: Stormy Weather

Summary: Memphis weather doesn't always mix with Californian blood

Whoever said that celebrities had easy lives had never met Adam or James. There were mini-tours, TV and radio interviews, photo shoots. Not to mention rehearsals, studio time, big tours, charity work, being in two different countries at the same time was not easy. Somehow, they made it work.

A few weeks ago when Adam was in Japan and James was in Paris, they made plans to spend some quality time together. Adam flew straight home, stayed a day, and flew to Memphis without letting his body catch up with him. He made it to Memphis before James.

The cold rain caught him by surprise. Adam thought he would surprise James by doing some shopping so there was one less thing to do. He would soon find out that his Californian blood and immune-boosting tour tactics were no match for the weather.

James knew something was wrong when he woke up to a sniffling, sneezing red-nosed Adam. His had runny eyes, body aches and a sore throat. The cough alone was quite scary. James managed to get Adam to minor emergency to receive the diagnosis of a bronchial infection.

Armed with the next round of medicine, hot chicken soup and Adam's favorite tea, James walked into the family room where his gorgeous, paler than usual glam rocker was bundled on the couch. Underneath the comforter, his love was quietly sleeping for the first time in almost three days. Two tissues were stuffed into the nostrils of the still red running nose. The lips of the slightly open mouth were a little chapped. Fans would have loved the picture; a chance to see how human Adam really was. But no; James would keep this cuteness to himself. He was sleeping so peacefully that James almost hated to wake him up. Almost.

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