2. Comfortable

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Characters: Special Agent G Callen and Technical Analyst Eric Beal (NCIS: Los Angeles). In my world, these two are a couple.

Warning: M/M slash

Chapter 2: Comfortable

Summary: G Callen takes more than a catnap.

Everyone knows that G Callen doesn't sleep. Perhaps no one knows this more than Sam. When Sam lets him stay in the spare room, G doesn't sleep more than an hour, if that. Eric doesn't understand that. Every time G slept at Eric's, he always slept. He usually gets the recommended seven to eight.

He noticed it the first time their date plans were ruined by an unexpected rainstorm. They were supposed to go sunset surfing. Since the beach was closed, they decided on pizza and movies. G stretched out on the couch with his head in Eric's lap. He was comfortable. They laughed through the first movie and both fell asleep during the second. It was after 2 a.m. when Eric carefully let down his futon sofa. G wasn't disturbed at all. Sam had called to find out where G was; he wanted to make sure he was safe and out of the rain. Eric assured him that G was fine and asleep. Sam told Eric that G only did that when he was comfortable with his surroundings.

The second time Eric noticed was after spending a romantic evening together. G fell asleep in Eric's arms. While it's true that extraneous sexual activities can lead to sleep, this wasn't that. Something attacked his dream. He was moaning like he was in trouble, making movements like he was running and tears flowed down his cheeks. All Eric could do was watch, making sure he didn't do something drastic in his sleep.

Tonight, there was nothing disturbing G Callen's sleep. He was sleeping comfortably on his back, his hand and Eric's hand were linked together. The gentle rise and fall of his chest let Eric know that G was comfortable enough with him and his apartment to be able to sleep.

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