7. Happy now.

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"Who are you talking to?" I laughed.

"I'm talking to you bitch. Don't get cut." She said. "You see Tre and I were kind of a thing and since then I've been sitting next to him."

I looked at Tre and he shook his head.

That bitch is crazy he mouthed to me.

I looked at her up and down and laughed.

"Well I know why he dumped you. You're not giving him much."

"Tre tell this bitch how much you still love me." She said looking at him.

"I know you're not calling me a bitch. At least I'm not some skank wearing her two year old little sister's clothes." I said getting closer to her.

"Look Whitney. I didn't love you then, I don't love you now and I'm never gonna love you. Stop being a bitch and sit somewhere else." Tre said pushing her from near me.

She did as Tre said and we took our seat. The bell rung and our teacher took attendance. I looked at the time and saw 10:32. Today was gonna be a long ass day. I hated junior year so far.


The day was long and boring but I was glad that it was over. My sister and I were waiting for Sam to come pick us up but she never showed up. We waited in front of the school for an hour and I was getting restless. I walked over to the trash can to throw away my water bottle

After a while I saw Tre and some other guys coming towards my sister.

"Hey T." He said "What you still doin' here?"

"Oh" Said Ciara. "I'm not-

"Guys this is Tiara."

I walked back laughing. As soon as they saw me their faces were full of confusion.

"I'm Tiara. She's my twin, Ciara." I said making an emphasis on C.

"Oh." Said Tre with embarrassment on his face.

"Its ok though. People confuse us all the time." I said trying to make him feel better.

"Well Tiara," He said still confused at who he was talking to. "These are my boys. Vince, Jay, Bryce, DJ, and Al."

"Hey." I said waving to them "Nice to meet you guys."

We talked and got to know each other better. They all knew each other since they were in Pre-k, lived in L.A. their whole life, they all owned a gun for "emergency", and they were all fine as fuck, but not as fine as Tre.

I was actually enjoying myself when I got a text from Sam.

Sam 4:55 PM- can't make it. I'm sorry something came up I have your sisters but I won't be home until later tmrw.

I showed Ciara the text and she groaned.
"Problem?" DJ asked.

"Yeah. We have no ride home." Ciara said with disgust in her face.

"Oh don't sweat it. I'll drive you guys home." Tre said showing us his keys.

Ciara looked at me and raised one eyebrow.

"Its ok. Let's go the Sun's getting hot."

We all walked into the parking lot and I noticed that all of their cars were black.

My Life As TiaraWhere stories live. Discover now