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And all the others
I forgot there names but they are a lot
15 if you count them all up.
Not past lovers
Just past sheet sharers
I always say how I was lonely
How It made me become such a phony
Well lemme say
I thought sex would keep that at bay
What a lie.
Now here I am
Spitting it all out like a confessional
For the first time
Was my sin
Because I couldn't control the emotion
That I was caving in
Just listen...
It was either this or another slashed wrist
So I chose what seemed best.
Thinking god would understand my temptation
Of not wanting to commit even worse sins
I'm the kind of guy who needs someone to tell me
Positive things
I thought that could be anyone around me
But it wasn't enough
I just needed a prolonged hug
A cuddle or two
Better yet
Let's take off our shoes and whatever constricts
Before we get down to business and twist.
Mistakes were made
Hearts broken within only days...
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry...
For the girls who heard my lies
Pouring out of my mouth
And evaporated.
With the winds
And headed south
With the bird to cover their tracks
And add onto the lie.
Never needed a trail to follow
Just wanted someone to tell me I'm not all that hollowed
Or that I'm not a monster
Or how I am kind
I shouldn't ponder on the past
The three years have made me bitter sometimes
Most of the time
That's why I leave
That's why it's getting easier to say no
To a yes
That will progress
To another broken heart
That's when I leave and say,
But I digress.
The love left my soul long ago
Four years exact if you're counting mother's day.
The day I realized I wanted no one else to comfort me all day.
That Rose.
Headed east and left me on the side of the road
I survived the only way I knew I could
Comfort from a girl or two
And some wine bottles that I threw.
I was just a troubled boy with big mistakes.
You wouldn't guess it because I acting so
Passive aggressive.
there you go.
Now you know it.
I'm a man whore.
And sorry to those again
Who I lied too.
I should have never done those things
It was total abuse...

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