A/N okay..this chapter is pretty long! the next few chapters will be long as its April's 18th birthday weekend!!! enjoy........
1st day of April's Birthday weekend (Friday)
Niall's POV
Today is the day before April's birthday... I woke up pretty early this morning; needing to make sure everything is in place for today's birthday surprises. Louis went and woke the boys because if you don't get up right away, he will figure out some random way to do it and I know the boys have learnt their lessons from previous 'Louis wake-up calls'.
Once all the guys are up, we get ready for the day ahead. We sit and eat breakfast roughly going through what we are doing and set out....
Harry is on the phone to our surprise guest we have for April, Paul will be picking them up and taking them to the dorm, and you will just have to find out who when they get here. Liam was making sure her first note is ready, and sealed in an envelope. Louis, Zayn and I almost ready to head out towards a small garden that is secluded where we have got a picnic breakfast awaiting us and a bunch of water guns, hoses, buckets and a paddling pool filled with water, so it should be a fun morning. Harry finishes up and we leave the dorm waiting for the lift, and when it arrives we hold it for Liam who is running down the corridor like he is being chased by dogs, he isn't is he?
April's POV
What is that knocking going on?
"One second".
I get to the door putting my hand on the handle then hear a door slam. That's weird, I turn ready to go back to bed and see a white envelope on the floor with my name on it. I pick it up opening my door and calling out to the boys... nothing. I sit on jump onto my bed sitting cross-legged and opened the letter...
'Good Morning April...
As we said last night, things will be explained this morning, and we know you will probably kill us but you can blame Niall. We kind of heard that it's your birthday tomorrow and well, we have some surprises and presents for you this weekend starting today and ending on Sunday.
First thing's first, maybe put on a bathing suit, something you don't mind getting wet. Also, pretty important... DO NOT EAT!
Please get ready quickly, we'll meet you behind 'Sunflower Street', there is a wooden gate that you need to go through, and you will find us. If you have trouble, Paul our body guard is outside and won't be very far away from you.
We'll see you soon.
Well, that was an interesting letter. But, I cannot be bothered to argue if I get food, I'm hungry. After having the quickest shower in history, I grabbed my black bikini putting it under a pink vest top and a pair of purple shorts. I grabbed a shoulder bag to put my things in, including a towel- they said something about getting wet.
I leave the dorm and follow the instructions to where I have to go. I finally get there and there is a plastic box in front of the door and another note.
'Are you awake April?
You finally made it...? Only joking, I bet your curiosity got the better of you and you practically ran here and now poor Paul is out of breath.
Anyways, in the plastic box in front of you is a few water balloons, some water guns and a bottle of orange juice and a bottle of water depending on what you prefer. Grab what you want... your team will be on the other side of the gate. Please put your bag and anything you don't want to get wet in the plastic box and Paul will look after it, you will see your belongings soon enough.

This is NOT happening (1D FANFIC)
FanfictionApril goes to a boarding school which is the top in the country for studing animal care, what happens when one direction are her room mates and 3 of them fall for her..not everything is easy as it seems.