A/N SORRY I HAVENT POSTED IN A FEW DAYS... BUT THIS IS I HOPE A LONG CHAPTER!!! this chapter sort of fills in for who she chooses. I hope you enjoy.
Harry’s POV
Hazani, she partially named an elephant after me, that’s priceless, there wouldn’t be anything I could do that would equal to that. I thought I had it in the bag, the guys and I didn’t want to share our ideas with each other in case we copied each other, we found out what we were doing once we all planned it or they had actually happened. I looked up from the floor noticing Louis and Liam looking between Zayn and myself.
“She named an elephant after you 3, she must really like all three of you”.
“I don’t think she is having an easy time with this, I just really hope you both know what you are doing to her, and don’t hurt her whatever happens”.
“We both feel the same towards her, so speaking for myself and Zayn, and most likely Niall; we’ll all be there for her no matter what”.
I looked over to Zayn to see him nodding along to what I had just said.
“Okay, we’re going to bed. Going out tomorrow with April, but she doesn’t know it yet. She needs a relaxing day away from you three”.
“Night Lou bear”.
“Night Hazza”.
“Night Lili”.
“Good night Harry”.
“Night Liam”.
“Good night Zayn”.
“Night Bradford’s bad boy”.
“Haha, night sass master from Doncaster”.
“You got that right! Bed time Lili, let’s go!”
And with that, Louis linked arms with Liam and left Zayn and I alone.
“Zayn mate, good luck. Even I know that he has me beat”.
“Thanks Haz”.
“So, are you going to tell me what you have planned?”
“Yeah, you can’t exactly copy me now can you?”
Zayn’s POV
I told Harry what my date was, and I decided I would let you hear about it from April in a few days, well when we actually have the date. We sat there chatting and we both got an idea but had to speak to Niall about it first.
“I don’t want to hurt April. I bet this is really hard on her”.
“Yeah, I totally agree. And I agree with you on that idea, but doesn’t a part of you think that she is just going to choose Niall? I mean, she has asked him to stay with her, and she hasn’t with us like that, y’know?”
“I get what you mean Haz, but it is worth a shot. I would understand if she picked him, but if the plan does work out and Niall and April agree then we’ll all be happy somehow”.
“Yeah, so umm, shall we head to bed?”
“Yup, Night Mate”.
“Night Zayn”.
We started walking towards our rooms, separating at the hallway. I quickly changed, I wasn’t planning on sleeping in my room, is it bad I’m actually jealous of Niall being able to sleep in her room? Anyway, I put on some pyjama bottoms, grabbed my duvet and left my room. I got close to April’s room, and saw another figure, looking closely I saw curly hair.

This is NOT happening (1D FANFIC)
FanfictionApril goes to a boarding school which is the top in the country for studing animal care, what happens when one direction are her room mates and 3 of them fall for her..not everything is easy as it seems.