chapter 44

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A/N I am reallllllllly sorry about how long it has taken to update. I have been on a course for a month doing door supervision, was fun and boring all at the same time. i had asked for so many votes the last chapter but i dont think it works when people do that.

thank you to my loyal readers for sticking with me... i dont have many people reading the whole way through anyways,but thank you. just please vote and comment. please enjoy...

April’s POV

Do you know that feeling of accidentally getting someone’s hopes up, just to let them down again? I feel like I will end up doing that. They all seem to be happy, all except me. Okay, so maybe I am happy, I am just trying to figure that out. I may be in shock; the boys are just kneeling around where I am sitting, watching me with weary eyes. I just, I may have just been hearing things, it’s probably just what my heart wants to hear, my head is laughing saying  that they couldn’t have said that, and it is very unlikely they did sort of tell me and ask me at the same time.


They can wait a minute to just figure this out, and run through what just happened, I know you want to know what they spoke to me about, it’s what they have been keeping secret.

*flashback of conversation with the boys*

We had settled into the living room, the boys spread out on the sofas. Zayn and Niall were sitting on one sofa, with Harry sitting on what was to be a foot stool facing the gap on the sofa between Zayn and Niall, probably where they were expecting me to sit. Louis and Liam were on the loveseat just to the side to watch the situation unravel before them. Paul had grabbed a single chair and placed it near the doorway sitting him on it, he wasn’t going to be getting involved unless he needed to which I was slightly grateful for, my only problem with where he was sitting was that I couldn’t run. We had locked eyes when he sat down giving me a knowing look, sighing in defeat I had looked around spotting a single swing seat. Forget about the boys, I fell in love with this seat! It was white, with a purple interior, it was ball shaped, and looked quite soft and cosy, it didn’t take me long to settle myself in it, pulling up my legs and relaxing. I had gotten the seat to swing a little fast but I liked it, but Harry had gotten up to slow it down a little to a gentle rocking motion, allowing me to see everyone in the room.

“Let’s get to the point. Just, keep an open mind April, and listen to us first before you say anything?”

“I don’t have much of a choice, so yeah. Go for it”.

Harry and Niall nodded at Zayn for him to talk to me.

“April, you know us three idiots have fallen head over heels for you, we apologise for unintentionally hurting you. Those pictures you saw in the newspaper are old, and we would never cheat on you or actually meaning to hurt you. We are sorry that you even had to see those pictures. We wish you had just spoken to us about them instead of just running”.


“We’re not finished…”

Harry started to speak up.

“We are going on tour soon… we would like you to come with us? We know you won’t be able to go horse riding for lengthy amounts of times, but when we get time off, we can make sure you go home to ride or what ever you want”.

I looked over to Louis and Liam to see them smiling slightly and looking hopeful, but worried at the same time.

Finally, it was Niall’s turn. He got up and knelt in front of me, looking in my eyes.

“April, princess, we do really like you, speaking for all of us, we love you, and we will tell you in our own special ways. But with that being said, we would love it if you stayed here too, with us. If you agree to come on tour with us, then we’ll all be staying together anyways. We need to find out how you feel about all this”.

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