A/N sorry its been a while- things are complicated.
Zayn's POV
I was so warm this morning waking up, I went to stretch and realised there was someone else in my bed. I looked down and realised it was April. Why was she here in bed with me? I don't really want a question it because a part of me thinks that it will not be an answer that I want to hear. I just lay there, watching her sleep- yes I know that sounds creepy, but she looked so peaceful. She started to stir and looked up at me. Her face had a look of confusion written all over it and she got up quite fast.
"I'm sorry; I wasn't supposed to come into here last night".
Then she left. That. Hurt. A LOT. What do I do? Go after her? Who was she looking for? Then I thought about it...
She picked her room, and we were all standing outside different rooms sorting out who goes where. There were three rooms along one side and three along the other side opposite. Liam and Louis done theirs, and went to sleep and then the rest of us went into ours. I heard Harry and Niall chatting, and then they came knocking on my door.
"What do you want?
"Zayn, Can we switch rooms? I want to be able to see the field in the morning and Harry won't switch. Pleaaaaassssseeeeee?"
"Fine... just shut up..."
*End of flashback*
She went to the room that Niall had first chosen, and then he and I switched... Damn it! She was going to Niall last night! I will not give up on her... I asked her out last night, she said she would think about it. But, I happen to also know that Niall, and harry ALSO asked her out on a date.
Harry's POV
I heard giggling this morning, usually it would have been a girl I was in bed with at that point, but since I realised I liked April a lot I haven't been chatting up random girls or bedding them. I got up, got dressed and left my room, only to come out to see April standing shocked outside the room next to mine. What has Zayn done this time... and why is April running crying? I walked to the door popping my head in...
"Well, I'm done here. That should teach April".
The girl started getting dressed and the confused face of Niall was staring back at me. There were so many emotions on his face; it was hard to figure out each one. He was scared, upset, mad, annoyed, angry, sleepy, worried, confused... none of them were happy. The girl left and I went over to him and untied his hands, he had a t-shirt and a pair of boxers on and the duvet covering him.
"It really was not what it looked like Haz... I need to talk to April".
He jumped out of bed pulling on clothes while I went and made sure the others were up and aware of what has gone on. We all left the house to see if we could get to April, but it was too late, we didn't have enough time to grab our horses and go after her because she had unlocked the gate and left.
"Guys, I know we are furious about what has happened but we need to go find her!"
They all nodded in agreement, all except Niall.
"I have an idea but you all need to go... and make sure she gets out of here".
He looked over my shoulder, I followed his eye line and realised she was standing there watching us, she probably watched April leave as well. She looked so happy about what she did... I saw she had tied up Niall, probably up to no good. We will all need to talk later. I looked back at Niall giving him a slight nod. We went and got our horses while Niall went back into the house, I hope this plan of his works.

This is NOT happening (1D FANFIC)
FanfictionApril goes to a boarding school which is the top in the country for studing animal care, what happens when one direction are her room mates and 3 of them fall for her..not everything is easy as it seems.