Zayn's POV
It didn't take me long to get to the café, it was still early enough that the students attending would still be asleep enjoying the free time they had before school actually started properly. It was great, meant I wouldn't be followed or even worse, mobbed. The café was empty so I got served straight away and the only waiting time was for the hot chocolate.
I made my way back to the dorm; I couldn't wait to see April again. Yes, I know I haven't been away from her that long, but seriously, she is something special. As I was walking I bumped into... Liam? He is supposed to be with Niall and Louis sorting out songs for our next album.
"L..Liam...? What are you doing here?"
"Management sent us back, there being only 3 of One Direction being there was pointless. Also, Louis looked at the lyrics to one of the songs and made fun of it, apparently it sounded inappropriate to our fans, and would give the wrong message to them. There was also a song that just made Niall really annoyed, the song was just not us, just too depressing. They have decided to make meetings when school has started. Anyway, how is April?"
"Well, I don't know if I'm grateful I didn't end up going or not. April ended up crying herself to sleep last night but today she seems as bright as the sun. It's like her crying never happened. Right now, Haz is cooking her anything she wants for breakfast. I got sent out to get the things he can't make right now. But, a bird told me you have a plan to help try and sort out them lovebirds?"
Lovebirds? It was hard trying to say it, but I forced it out. I just wish it were April and I that were the 'love-birds' that were being spoken about, but not in this way, more like 'get a room lovebirds' or 'aww, look at the cute lovebirds'. I don't get jealous, but I actually am right now, the fact that she likes Niall drives me mad. Half of the time, I'm checking my hair in a mirror to just distract myself and get her off my mind- doesn't work all the time though.
"Haha, yes I have an idea. Just so simple it might just work. Let's get back to the dorm and just go with it".
"Sure. By the way, where are Ni and Lou?"
"Lou missed April and said he was going back to the dorms straight away to see her, but I also have a bad feeling about him going to see her. He had that look in his eyes, the one of when he is planning or planned a prank. Ni, I don't actually know. He got out of the car and we had a little chat, and I went for a walk leaving him standing there outside reception. Now, here I am".
"Cool. Well, let's get going, Haz should be done right about now with breakfast".
Louis' POV
The car ride was long, I couldn't sit still. The driver wouldn't play eye-spy, Liam was asleep, and Niall was in a mood because April said that she didn't want to come so she could have some alone time, why does he not get that- she does need to think about stuff that has gone on since she has arrived. I for one am going to do something about the both of them today, as soon as we get back.
I checked my twitter... normal messages popping up and going through a normal routine of retweeting the sweet messages and ignoring the odd hate message towards me and the boys. There were a few messages asking about a girl we have been hanging around with, and who the girl is that keeps coming to our dorm- how do people know about April, without knowing her name? That's an idea, let's see if April has twitter, and I couldn't find one, hmm... maybe she doesn't have one- I'm going to ask her about that soon as well. I was lost in thought when the driver informed us that we had arrived back at the reception and that he was going to take our bags to our dorm for us.

This is NOT happening (1D FANFIC)
FanficApril goes to a boarding school which is the top in the country for studing animal care, what happens when one direction are her room mates and 3 of them fall for her..not everything is easy as it seems.