Chapter 10

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Astrid and Eret went out to tell the others of what's going on with Hiccup.
While Hiccup had a few minutes with Toothless in the cave.
Hiccup was pacing back and forth, trying to keep his thoughts in order.
"Ok ok, what am I going to do... Think Hiccup, think!"
Toothless sat there and watched him the whole time while Hiccup was pacing and thinking of a plan. Speaking out loud, "Ok bud, we need to get that spell book.. It should have the cure in it! But how?"
Eret and Astrid walked in as Hiccup was speaking out loud.
"That's a good start, dangerous for you but a good start," said Eret.
All of them discussed about it for about an hour. Then the threes of them came out of the cave, the rest of the gang had the same reaction to Hiccups hair as Toothless and Astrid did.
"Hey, what's up with your hair! It looks like... Well.... Black!??" Shouted Tuffnut.
"Ooook, thanks for pointing out the obvious...,"said Hiccup sarcastically, "Anyway, there is a bit of a problem with, one, my hair, and whatever else Drago has done to me but we need to get that spell book tonight and figure out what the cure is and we-"
"WAIT!" shouted Snotlout, "We have to go back into that place just to get a stupid book to fix your stupid hair!?! And what does the spell do anyway!?"
Hiccup really didn't want to answer the question.. But lucky Astrid jumped in and said that its complicated and if Drago did it, we know it's bad.
They all just nodded and listen in on the plan.
Hiccup concluded with,"We will take action tonight, any questions?" It was dead silence, it was a pretty simple plan.
"So... Prefect! Everyone meet back here at sunset and then we will head out."
Everyone spilt and did there own thing. Ever now and then they would glance at Hiccup, because of his odd hair, which grew dark ever second.

Hiccup and Toothless went off exploring by foot.  They made it to the beach, where the dark cold water met the icy island. It wasn't far from the cave and so they decided to sit for a while. It was beautiful, the sun was half way up and half way down in the sky, the wind was blowing and it was a little chilly. Hiccup and Toothless sat down besides one another to admire the view of the ocean waves crashing into the sand, when they heard a noise behind him. Hiccup turned to see his mother and her dragon coming along to join them.
"Anything troubling you son?"
He hesitated for a moment, then said.
"Well, mom.. I'm kinda, scared. I don't know what's going to happen or if this plan is going to work. What if the gang gets hurt, you, Astrid.. Or even Toothless? What will be come of Berk if something happens to me!?... I don't know what to do.." Hiccup felt like everything was attaching him at once.. "Mom, what would dad think of me right now?..."
Valka sat down next to him and held him like a mother would.
"Oh Hiccup, my sweet child. Your father would be so proud of you. He always has been proud. You have brought two completely different worlds together in such a short amount of time and creating peace. The bound you have with Toothless is and will always be forever! I know your scared of what will happen, to not only you, but to everyone else you care so deeply for. But you know what... Your father would be too! And that's what makes you both such great leaders!" Hiccup was very confused about this, "What? What do you mean by that mom?"
She smiled a warm motherly smile and looked at him in his eyes, "You put others before yourself. You think of how things could affect another and if there is a wrong, you take it apon yourself to make it right.  Your father and I are so proud of you and love you so much!" With this, she kissed him on the top of his head and headed back to the camp, but before she was gone she turned back and said, "When the time is right, you'll know what to do. Until then, we are all here for you." Then she left.
Hiccup needed that. He felt alittle better about this situation, but he still felt a pull within him. And he wasn't sure how to make it go away. All he know was that he had to break this spell or disaster would be apon them all.

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