Chapter 12

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It was sunset and everyone was ready to go..
"Alright gang, everyone ready.."
Everyone was ready but they couldn't help making faces at Hiccups change in his appearance.
His hair has grown a bit darker in some areas, some places were completely black, even his little bit of facile hair was turing darker. Hiccup was well aware of this but was trying to ignore it the best he could.
"Alright then, let's head out." And with that spoken, everyoneg followed Hiccup to Drago's base.

When they got there, all the ships had vanished. It was completely deserted.
Hiccup didn't like it at all, but he also didn't like what was happening to him. So what other chose does he have...
They landed on the island, everything seemed the same as it was when they left, except without all of Drago's men.
"Ok gang, lets spilt up. Eret, Valka, and Snotlout, check out the docks and see if you can find anything. Ruffnut, Tuffnut and Astrid, keep a look out for Drago and his men. And that leaves Gobber and Fishfegs, you two are with me. We will be looking for the book inside. Everyone understand what they need to do?"
Everyone nodded with agreement.
"Ok perfect, now let's split up.."
Everyone began going their separate ways, but Hiccup gently pulled  Astrid aside.
"Astrid, please be careful.. I don't know what I would do if I lost you. I-I-, um.. Ast-"
Astrid gave him a huge kiss on the lips then pulled away slowly.
She smiled and looked him in the eyes,
"Hiccup, you don't have to be worried about me, ok? Just find the book and then we will be good, ok babe?"
She gently punched him to force over to Fishlegs and Gobber.

They all went their own ways. Hiccup, Gobber and Fishlegs went inside the building. Non of them knew where they were going but thank goodness they had their dragons.
Toothless lead the way with the others following behind. It only toke about thirty minutes until they finally found the room where Hiccup was impelled, the last place where they saw the book.
They started looking everywhere, but it was nowhere to be found. Hiccup began to panic, which is very strange of him to do.
"Hiccup, please calm down we will find it!" Fishlegs said while trying to calm him down.
"But what if we don't what will happens to me and what will happ-" Hiccup was interrupted by Eret and the twins group coming in from outside.
"HICCUP!, Eret shouted, "Drago and his men are here and they are on their way and they are really close!! Like really close! And th-"
There was a loud bang that filled the room, dusted flew everywhere and once it was gone, Drago and his men had them surrounded. Hiccup and the gang were about to hop on their dragons and blast their way out of this situation but something wasn't right.
"I won't do that if I was you boy.."
Hiccup turned to face Drago, who had Astrid captive.
"... Unless you what her in the same place as your father is." Drago smiled the most evil smile Hiccup had ever seen, and it made Hiccup so angry. He wanted to kill that man, right at that moment. But he couldn't, not while he has Astrid, the love of his life.
"DRAGO!! Let her go! NOW!" Hiccup yelled with a voice full of anger.
"Well, then. I think I'll spare her life, only if..." Drago started.
Hiccup knew where he was going but he ask, "Ok, what do you want Drago. I'll give you anything."
Drago had Hiccup right where he wanted him. "... I want you, boy. You turn yourself in and I'll let her go and I won't harm her or any of your friends..... Do we have a deal?"
Astrid was trying to break free, "Hiccup, don't do it! Please!"
Hiccup ignored her. He began walking toward Drago. He makes eye contact with him and nodded his head in agreement. Then the two men who were holding Astrid let her go and ran to grab Hiccup. The others, plus Astrid tried to get to him but the other guards were blocking them off.
"YES!! Finally!! My plan is almost complete!" Drago shouts for joy.
Hiccup refuses to fight. The guards have a very tight hold on him.
Hiccup turns to see his friends being forced into the jail cells in the wall and all the dragons were being put in cages.
"What?! Drago, let them go! I'm the one you wanted! Why are you doi-"
Drago cuts him off without answer his question.
"Put him in the spot where he was before. We have unfinished business."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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