Chapter 8

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Once the dragon riders were out of Drago's sight, he called his men to load the ships.
AND we must find that BOY!!!"

When the Berkians made it to the far side of the island, they decided to land and wait for Hiccup to wake up.
Once they landed, they found a huge cave that they could all fit inside. But after thirty minutes, they all went outside, except Toothless.
The cave was much bigger the a normal cave should be but unnoticeable from outside. Inside the cave was wet and a little chilly. There was light shining in the cave but it was coming from random small holes at the top of the cave.
Toothless sat by Hiccup for two hours before he woke up.
Finally when Hiccup woke up, he felt kind of dizzy but it wasn't as bad as before.
The giant reptile was jumping with joy when he heard Hiccups voice. The lovable reptile jumped on top of Hiccup and licked him from head to toe.
"HA HA HA BUD, OK OK I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!" Hiccup was just as happy to see Toothless alive and well.
Hiccup sat up into the light, looked around and then back at Toothless..... Who was looking at him in a strange way.
"Toothless? What's wrong bud?"
As soon as Hiccup said this, Astrid walked in with Stormfly.
"HICCUP!!!! Your alive!!!"
She ran over to him!
"ASTRID" he said as he jumped to his feet.
They both hugged each other . It seemed like hour before they finally let go. But once they finally did, Hiccup looked as Astrid..... Who was now making the same look as Toothless was.
"Ok? Why are you looking at me like that too?"
Astrid seemed to be at lost for words.
"Um, Hiccup.... Your hair looks... Darker then black!?"
Hiccup looked shocked
"What?! There is no way my hair could be turning black... That's crazy Astrid!"
Hiccup looked down at a small puddle on the floor so that he could see his reflection. And Astrid was right.
His hair was darker but in sections.... The highlights of his hair were darker then Toothless's scales.
"Oh Gods, this is bad! I don't know what's happening to me but its bad!"
Hiccup was trying to control himself, but all he wanted to do was scream.
Eret walked in, "Hey Hicc-" Eret froze when he saw Hiccup.
"Oh no....." Eret looks terrified and tried to back up slowly.
Hiccup was really scared now, "Eret, what do u mean when you said Oh no?!"

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