Chapter 1

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It was a sunny day on the island of Berk. The villagers were talking among each other,  all had bright smiles across their faces. Their dragons resting on top of the houses and in the stables. Gothi was watching everyone from her cozy house on the highest hill top, with the company of her Terrible Terrors. Snotlout and Fishlegs were fighting over Ruffnut, however both the Twins were looking for trouble. Gobbar was showing Eret around the great island of Berk to were he would start getting use to his new home. And of course, Astrid and Valka, along with their dragons, were looking for Hiccup and Toothless.
Meanwhile, these best of firends were flying over the seas and enjoying the cool, ocean breeze. The wonderful smell of salt water and the taste of freedom was amazing after a long day of "chief work". They flow high above the clouds and raced across the waters of the wide open sea. Hiccup felt like he could fly with Toothless forever, right off the edge of the world. The only thing that was holding him back was the weight and responsibility that his father had left for him to fulfill as the new chief of Berk.

After hours of exploring the seas and sky, they finally decided to rest on a small island that was not far from Berk. Toothless laid down next to his best friend. Hiccup has a lot on his mind and was writing something very important down. Writing, then crumbling up the paper just to pull out another one again to get his thoughts out. However, Toothless, being a dragon and all, had no interest in what the important letter had to say.
As Toothless began to fall asleep, Hiccup started to think. He thought about how Berk was now a peaceful and happy place. How all the villagers listen and respect his leadership as the chief of Berk, and how happy he was with his best friend, long lost mother and the greatest girlfriend a Viking could ask for. But then, his mind flashed back to his fathers' death. The heartache quickly came back to him, tears began to roll down his face, and he could hear his fathers voice calling his name. Hiccup could see Stoick running and running closer to protect him, it felt like he was living it all over again but then Stoick's voice slowly started to change. It began to sound more and more feminine, until finally, he snapped back into reality and saw Astrid and Stormfly flying down onto the island.
"Hiccup!! Where have you been!??!?! I have been looking all over for u two!?!!??" Astrid said this as she walked up to Hiccup and punched him in the shoulder.
"OUCH!....oh.... Astrid, Toothless and I were just exploring and flying and-" Astrid cut him off before he could speak.
"And getting into trouble, creating something that will get you in trouble, disturbing the peace...."
Hiccup rolled his eyes "What? When have I every done anything like that?" Trying to sound super sarcastic.
"Ha...ha...HA!! Very funny Hiccup!" She smiled and sat down next to him.
"Why thank you Milady! Astrid...."
"Yes, Hiccup..." She starts to play with his hair.
"Something has been bothering me recently. I keep on having this...nightmare... And I keep on having it over and over again...."
Hiccup started to shiver as if he was in a cold prison cell. Astrid cuddled close to Hiccup so that she could comfort him.
"You want to talk about it? Maybe talking about it would make you feel better..."
Hiccup paused for awhile, debating if he wanted to share or not. But it's Astrid, the love of his life. He knew he could trust her with anything.  
"Well, it starts out with us, me and you flying over this dark and mysterious ocean. The color of the water was darker then night. Then it flashed to a creepy icy Island with boats all around it....the boats were huge but very old and they look like they had went to hell and back. Then we all appeared on the boats. Me, you, Valka, Gobbar, Eret and the rest of the gang, plus all of our dragons are there....and..." Hiccups voice began to crack with the sound of fear and horror, tears are running down his cheeks. " .... There is a man, huge, clothed in dragon skin and he was holding a huge staff with a hallow crystal on top of it...and it's filled with something, I'm not sure what it was but it's a deep, dark red color. But then something else happens, I just couldn't see it...."
Hiccup began to breath heavy, as if the weight of the world was siting on his shoulders..
"But the worst begin to see myself change. My appearances shifts, my hair changes and turns as dark as night.... my eye shift a bright abnormal red.....I had a dagger in my hand, you and Toothless are trapped in a corner...AND THEN!"
Hiccup covers his face with his hands, but they could not hide the tears that were falling from his red cheeks. Astrid looked at him in horror and she had pity on him as well. So she gently grabbed his hands and looked him in the eyes.
"Hiccup, you have nothing to fear. It was only a stupid nightmare.....I will always be here for you and Toothless will too." She the kissed his his nose and then rested her head on his shoulder. Toothless, who was over hearing their conversation, walked over to them and rest his head in Hiccups lap, trying is best to comfort him. Hiccup placed his arm around Astrid and his hand on Toothless's head.
"Thank you both for making me feel better, the nightmare just bothers me because I've had it a lot recently, but your right's just a stupid nightmare." But in Hiccups mind, he wasn't all that sure.
"That's the spirt Hiccup! Now let's get back to Berk. Valka has also been looking everywhere for you." Astrid stands up and starts to walk to Stormfly.
"Wait, Astrid can I ask you something....."
Astrid turned around to face Hiccup. "Sure"
"" Hiccup pulled out the note "I've been needing to talk to you about this and..well I guess I've been wanting to ask you this a long time ago but didn't a have the courage to but now I need to ask, if....well..ummm...if yo-u, yo-" Hiccup started to grab something else in his armor but then Valka and Cloudjumper flow down next to them. She looked worried.
"Oh Hiccup, Astrid! Thank Thor I found you too!! We must hurry and get back to Berk...NOW!!" Valka grabbed them by the wrist and began to walk them quickly to their dragons.
"Wow!? Mom, what's happened???"
Valka looked him deep in the eyes, with a serious expression on her face.
"You must see for yourself, son."
Hiccup and Toothless look and each other and then back at Valka. He had a really bad and familiar feeling in his stomach....and he didn't like it at all.

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