Chapter 2

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They all left the island and flow back to Berk as quickly as they could. Once they landed on Berk, Hiccup hopped off of Toothless. He looked around at the Village, and he couldn't believe what he saw. Everything was destroyed! Sheep were running through-out the Village, while many of the Vikings and dragons were struggling to collect them all.  The food had been thrown all over the place and none of it look good to eat anymore. Doors and windows were ripped from their hinges, almost all the houses were smashed as if a storm has come through and ripped them from the inside out. Broken weapons were all over the place. Even some of the villager look like they had been beatin' up pretty badly.
Hiccup ran and tried to help some of the injured Vikings to their feet. His heart broke as he saw all of this people, that he was responsible for in this condition. All he could think of is his father and how disappointed he would have been in this current situation. 

As Hiccup started to get himself together, he began to walk to the center of the Village and of course the other Vikings followed behind.
Once they all had gathered around him, Hiccup asked "Can anyone recall what happened here? Who or what caused all of this?" All of them looked at each other, whispering back and forth until an older Viking stepped forward and spoke "It was very difficult to remember..but there were many strange Vikings and Dragons surrounding the Village. Huge boats surrounded Berk shores..but they looked so the ships came from hell..."
Hiccup shivered when he headed that. Why does that sound familiar? he thought. 
The older Viking continued to address Hiccup,"Oh and I remember a huge man, but I couldn't see his face because he was wearing dragon skin. He had this deep and sharpe voice ..... And he was looking....for you, Hiccup."
Hiccup toke a step back, trying to hide the fear from his face.
"Why was he looking for me?"
He shook the thought from his head and cleared his mind.
"Thank you for explaining everything, I appreciate it. Now, first we need to start making new weapons to replace the destroyed ones. We need them to defend ourselves just in case we get attacked again. We need to get started right away...Where is Gobbar? He can help out a lot when it come to repairing and rebuilding weapons."
Everyone was waiting for him to step forward and take charge of this task but Gobbar was no where to new found.
"Oh wait a minute!!" An other woman called out. "I remember seeing a huge group of men take him and some other Berkians. They looked like the majority of the dragon riders.. Oh and that new Eret aswell. They even got all of their dragons somehow."
Hiccup was really worried now.
"Ok, Astrid, my mother and I will go after the missing Berkians... And Spitelout, you will be in-charge of rebuilding the Village and replacing the weapons while I am gone."
Spitelout nodded his head in respect, " I'll make you proud chief."
Hiccup smiles and nodded back. He gave plans and orders to Spitelout to help him rebuild all of the damages in the Village.
When Hiccup finished giving orders to Spitelout, Gothi waved her wrinkled hand at Hiccup, motioning for him to come to her. Hiccup went to her and bowed on one knee in respect, and for the first time in Berk history, Gothi actually spoke to someone.....And the someone was Hiccup.
"Hiccup, you will be the greatest chief that Berk has ever seen. You are different then any Viking and you have an amazing talent of bringing two worlds together.......but I also see in you great pain and sadness. I see a fire of hate in your soul, and I understand that you don't know how to put it out. All I can tell you is that it can only fixed through the bond of true friendship and the strength of forgiveness..... you will find true happiness and peace. "

Hiccup was absolutely speechless. In all of these years, from when he was a little boy, he nor had anyone ever heard Gothi speak. Not even his father, until now. He wasn't sure how to reply but Gothi walked away before he could. Astrid walked up to Hiccup and asked if he was ok, not know what Gothi had said to him, but he nodded to her that he was.
Once Hiccup and Astrid were about to leave, they heard yelling off in the opposite direction. Two farmer Vikings came running to them really fast. Their faces were carrying an expression of fear and horror, as if they saw a ghost.
Once they finally made it to Hiccup and Astrid, they were breathing hard and heavy.
"What happened to you two?"
One of the Vikings looked up at Hiccup, "Your mother is nowhere to be found, but we did find this." He handed Hiccup a note. The writing was so bad that Hiccup could hardly read it but he somehow was able to. The letter read:
No need to worry about your friends, they are safe and sound
in my prison cells. I hope that you and your girlfriend will join them soon.
Oh and I also have perfect cages for your dragons.
If you ever want to see your friends alive again, you will
fly northwest of Berk and end up on an Icy Island, surrounded by huge boats.
And If you don't come within two days, they will parish.
I have big plans for you....and your dragons.....
Signed, as your "friend"
Hiccup put the letter in his armor and thanked the Vikings for the news.
"Astrid we need to go..NOW! I'm really starting to get worried about this...."
Astrid nodded in agreement. With they being said, they both headed northwest away from Berk.

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