Plot Thickening

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Unohana indicated that Ichigo take a seat before she continued speaking to the livid substitute shingami. He was the first to speak. "There is something specific about the relationship between my father and Toshiro?"

"Let's call him Isshin-san taicho, as we are yet to confirm that they are the same person," Unohana stated.

"Fare enough," Ichigo sighed. "Please Unohana… get to the point."

"Toshiro is right now equivalent to an eleven year old age wise. When he became taicho twenty years ago, he was equivalent to a nine year old. And when he graduated the academy, he was equivalent to a seven and a half year old," the woman smiled.

Ichigo raised an eyebrow at this. "I've been thinking that he is more mature than most of the adults I know, but I've also been thinking…"

Unohana realized that the substitute shingami didn't wish to finish what he was going to say. "You wish to respect him as you find him to be your friend, even though he is older then you in some regards, younger then you in others?"

"Yes… and that is the thing that has been bothering me… he reminds me too much of myself when I was younger… the incident with Sojiro only proves the matter, doesn't it?" Ichigo stated. "He tries to hide all his hurt from everyone else, but in the long run… he's only hurting himself. And it wouldn't hurt him… other then perhaps his pride… to actually have some fun every now and then."

"I don't think he thinks of you as a friend," Unohana stated firmly, to which Ichigo's anger peeked again. She shook her head at him. "Your relationship is way to much unlike the one with Sojiro and so much more like that which he holds lieutenant Matsumoto and Hinamori in. It is also too much like the relationship that he had with his former taicho."

"I am not quite following…" Ichigo muttered, still a bit irritated about being called being told that Toshiro didn't possibly think of him as a friend.

"Let's just say that, even though Hitsugaya will not admit that he was devastated when he found out about Isshin-taicho disappearing, he defiantly was," Unohana stated. "I admit he became stronger due to this, but… if your father is his former taicho… how do you think he'll take it?"

"I'll let him help me kick the bastard's ass," Ichigo muttered.

"You're not thinking clearly because of your anger," Unohana stated firmly. "How would you fill if you could suddenly see your father after so many years, not knowing if he was dead or alive?"

"I…" Ichigo paused. "I wouldn't know how to act…"

"Isshin-san taicho is the closest thing captain Hitsugaya has ever had to a real father," the woman stated. "I am going to ask that you respect that and his feelings on the matter, before you go and do anything irrational."

"Are you sure about that?" Ichigo stated firmly.

"I am absolutely positive…" the woman stated, a smile on her face, which however turned to a frown. "There is the matter of what Matsumoto did…"

"I think that we should ask Toshiro first what he wants in the matter," Ichigo stated. "It works both ways, doesn't it? Me thinking about his feelings for his former taicho, and thinking about his feelings for Rangiku?"

"Yes…" Unohana smiled. "However… there are also Rangiku's feelings in the matter at hand. I would not be surprised if she is upset about what she has done."

"What exactly do you mean by that?" Ichigo suddenly stated, his eyes narrowing.

"I would rather not at this moment say anything," the woman stated, frowning. "I am really worried about how this might turn out.


Rukia was not at all happy about how the rambling of Matsumoto had finally gone. They were headed over to her brother's division, to which she was becoming more and more worried about. "Are you sure about this Matsumoto-san?"

"I am positive… please keep your promise to me, Rukia," the woman muttered, causing Rukia to flinch at the promise that she had made. Renji was up and about, then began to panic, thinking he might get in trouble with his taicho. However… Rukia shook her head at him.

Byakuya looked up from his paper work, raising an eyebrow at the two. "What may I ask is this about?"

Matsumoto took a bow towards the man, then told him of what had happened earlier, the full story. She then glanced at Rukia. "This is what happened, isn't it?"

"H…h…hai!" Rukia glanced at the ground. "Nee-sama… please."

"If Matsumoto's tale is true, it is serious accusations," the sixth division taicho stated.

"But… but…" Rukia turned towards the woman. "I know I promised you I would tell the truth about this… but have you thought about how your captain will feel about you doing this?"

"About me turning myself in?" Rangiku stated firmly. "It's what is best for him, so I believe."

"But…" Rukia was still upset about the matter.

"Rukia… would you please leave the room. I wish to speak to Matsumoto myself," Byakuya stated. Rukia bit her lip, then headed out of the room. "I am going to levy the charges of child abuse against you, you do realize that, don't you?"

"Doesn't attacking your captain carry a heftier penalty?" Matsumoto suddenly asked, which caused the man to glare at her.

"I have to say that my young sister is right… have you fully thought about what you are doing here?" the man wasn't happy.

"Why do you think I brought this to you of all people?" Matsumoto stated. "Almost everyone else wouldn't take me seriously."

"Except I know how the relationship with your taicho is… are you blind to the fact that your taicho is the one who needs his fuko-taicho the most?" the man stated firmly.

"Hitsugaya is not to be treated like a child, he can take care of himself well enough," Matsumoto stated firmly.

"Oh… I recall that most of the time he can… however…" Byakuya folded his arms. "I am also aware that you are the last person he has that he is close to that he can actually see eye to eye on."

"It… I made a promise to our former taicho that I would take care of him… I failed at this, haven't I? By doing what I have done, I haven't helped him to grow into the young man that Isshin-taicho would want him to be, but instead… please…" Matsumoto made another bow to the man.

"I personally don't believe you would do something this stupid again…" Byakuya muttered. "However… I will go along with this… though I doubt that many of the other taicho and seconds will… they have too much respect for you and for your taicho… and I think that you are riding to much on the idea that the rest of us really do see him as a child."

"Arigotto," Matsumoto stated. "I feel that this is for the best. I really do."

"Personally, I don't," the man muttered. "But it isn't my decision. Do me a favor and ask Renji to put you into a holding cell… I would rather not do it myself."

"Understood!" the woman stated, saluting the man, the leaving the room.

"Baka…" Byakuya muttered after the door was closed.

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