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When Ichigo got back, he found Toshiro staring out the window, watching the breeze blow through the tree right outside. He walked over, and set down the carrying case for the coffee. "So… where did he go Toshiro?"

"Ehh… Hitsugaya Taicho," the boy stated, turning to the substitute soul reaper. "Taicho went to get Momo back to her room. She wasn't happy about seeing him."

"I thought that it would be you who would have a negative reaction to him being here, as he is your former taicho," the teenager stated, shaking his head at the boy, setting the carrying container and a small box on the table next to the bed. "He sent me to the living world for coffee, of all things."

Ichigo watched as Toshiro's two eyes perked up at this, and the boy opened his mouth to say something. He took a look at what the substitute soul reaper had brought, and saw two cups of steaming hot coffee, and a weird cup with some sort of brown liquid, the same color as coffee that had creamer put into it and whipped topping on top. "What is that?"

The orange haired youth smiled at this. "That is a cappuccino… I added some of my own money to buy it… would you like to trade?"

"What do you mean?" the small boy gave him a confused look at this.

"I mean, do you want the cappuccino or the hot coffee?" Ichigo asked.

"Don't be ridiculous. Aren't those things supposed to be mondo sweet?" Toshiro commented, taking the coffee. Ichigo shook his head, and took his own, and watched as Toshiro sipped some of the coffee from the top, then his eyes went wide as the small taicho began to dump in the coffee creamer and sweetener.

"And you just commented on the sweet level of this?" Ichigo commented, his eyebrows rising up.

"Urasai…" the white haired youth commented, stirring the coffee then drinking it.

"There is a coffee cake there too," came the next comment. He watched as Toshiro tensed up at this, and frowned.

"Was it your idea?" came the tight response.

"No…" Ichigo stated.

"He's really trying to kiss up, isn't he," the small boy muttered, having been ignoring the coffee cake that had been placed in plain view.

"Why do you say that?" The substitute shingami began to drink his own drink.

"Because… when I was his fukutaicho, he almost never let me have coffee. And when he did, it almost always meant that we had gotten into an argument over something, or that something I didn't like happened. I've told him not to do things like that… this kind of thing has never made me feel better," Hitsugaya leaned against the headboard.

"So you don't appreciate when he did it?"

"It wasn't that…" Toshiro sighed. "It was just that, I didn't like why he did it… I don't really want to go into it. Can I ask you something?"

"I guess… go ahead,"

"You are not one to follow anyone's orders. Why are you obeying the commands of Isshin-san, and going all the way to the living world to get the stupid coffee. I mean, it is completely illogical to go through that much trouble," Toshiro stated.

"I did it because I did it. Sometimes you don't need to know why people do things."

"I want to know why Aizen went and betrayed us like that," came the child's reply.

"Aizen is someone who only cares about his own self," came the voice from the doorway. Isshin stepped into the room and picked up his own coffee, and began to drink it.

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