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"Yeah… I just want to see her," Toshiro chocked out. "I can't believe this is happening. We're supposed to be in a war, Matsumoto gets into legal trouble, and me… I'm reduced to a whimpering, cowardly, useless child!"

"None of those things are true," the woman smiled. However, that was about the time that the alarms went off, startling the both of them. Unohana watched as the small boy in front of her suddenly tensed up, almost as if he was waiting for orders from the general on what to do.

A few minutes passed, and Toshiro turned to look at the woman, who had raised her eyebrows. "What?"

"Does all your life revolve around the Gotei?" the woman asked, placing a hand on his shoulder. "You really need to get your rest."

She said this just as a hell butterfly came through the window into the room to find her. Toshiro's curiosity made him speak up. "What exactly is the message about, or are you going to tell me that it doesn't concern me?"

"Well…" the older captain let out a sigh. "The message is about the fact that there was a sudden appearance of a Ryoka. The divisions are being given their orders by the general himself about this matter, and a captains meeting is being called… however, I was also gave orders to the general about you earlier."

The woman could see the anger in the boy's eyes, and felt the room suddenly chill. "So I am to be treated like a child."

"You listen to me right now, Hitsugaya Toshiro. When it comes to my patients' health, their age does not matter. It is my job to make sure that their health be taken care of. And anyway… you are not the only one reporting to the captain's meeting," Unohana stated.

"Yes… Ukitake isn't well either," the boy muttered.

"No… the general is having me remain here as he knows you are rather stubborn about things and have the likely hood of taking of to help with the situation, plus, all casualties will come through here," the woman stated, only to get a dirty look from the white haired taicho.

"Yet again, am useless, and completely useless child," the boy muttered, rolling over to look away from her.

"The only reason you are useless right now is because you feel that way," the woman gave a small smile, concern in her face. "If you want, I can bring you some green tea… or if you decide to run off again, I can try something else."

"Green tea will be fine…" Toshiro muttered. "I'll behave." Unohana stepped out the room, but stood where she could here the boy speak to himself. "Hitsugaya will behave, behave just like the child that Hitsugaya is expected to be," she heard him mutter, bitterness in his voice.

"Sometimes little one, it wouldn't hurt you to act your age… other then times that are… how to put it, the worst times like you always do," the woman sighed, heading off to go and get the tea.


A few minutes before the alarm had gone off, a gate had opened up, and a captain level shingami had stepped through. The guards at the door both startled, then asked who went there, causing them both to look at each other in confusion. Isshin let out a sigh. "I really don't have time for this…"

"Stand down," the two men stated.

"I thought that Yoruichi's gate into her estates wouldn't cause a problem," the man sighed, almost rolling his eyes at them.

"Did you mention Yoruichi-sama's name?" came a firm voice.

"Uh-oh," Isshin yelped, recognizing the voice of the current captain of the second division. "I forgot about you! Bye-bye!"

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