Talking to Father

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Ichigo arrived back on earth and shunpooed back to his home, climbing in through the window of his room, trying to be sneaky about the whole matter, though he really didn't need to. Kon was in his body, muttering about things not going the way that he wanted to with the girls. Ichigo grumbled and popped into his body, causing the green pill to come out of his mouth.

He then popped the small pill into the stuffed lion's mouth, raising an eyebrow. "You didn't go and get attacked by the females at school again?"

"No…" Kon muttered, tears coming to his eyes. "I think you would know, as you would be feeling it right about now."

"True…" Ichigo sighed. "Then what was your problem?"

"Rukia and Orihime haven't come back… only the… oops," Kon cringed as the substitute shingami shoved his face into the wall.

"I don't have time for this," Ichigo muttered. "I really need to talk to father about something."

"And what would that be?" Kon muttered. "He is an idiot and can't see spirits… so there is no need. Unless… oh no! Ichigo finally likes a girl!"

Ichigo glared at the mod soul as the lion flopped down onto the bed. He walked down the stairs and saw his father drinking coffee at the kitchen table. "Where are Yuzu and Karin?"

"Papa doesn't know!" Isshin made a funny face at him, tears dripping down his cheeks. "They said something about a school project and Karin-chan kicked papa saying he could go!"

"You're faking it," Ichigo stated, pulling up a chair across from the man, sitting in it backwards.

"I am not! I am really sad that they left me behind," the man mumbled, keeping up his charade.

"I meant about seeing spirits," Ichigo muttered, narrowing his eyes at the man.

"Huh?" Isshin's tears stopped and he tilted his head at the boy.

"What do you mean by huh? You know exactly what I am talking about, old man," Ichigo growled, wanting to kick the man in the head.

"Huh?" Isshin scratched his head, still pretending to be confused. "Be more specific Ichigo."

"Be more specific… you are a shingami!" Ichigo stated.

"Don't know what you're talking about. Why am I a shaman? I can't see ghosts, remember?" the man stated.

"Goat beard… I saw a picture of you as a shingami," Ichigo stated firmly.

"Eh… a picture… there are many pictures of me…" the man muttered. "I like dressing up… so that must be it…"

"Oto-san!" Ichigo suddenly stood up and slammed the palms of his hands down on the table. "I guess the reason you disappeared is you don't care, do you?"

Isshin let out a sigh. "Is something bothering you?"

"Toshiro and Rangiku-san," Ichigo muttered, turning out. "Are in a spit of trouble and you don't care."

Ichigo turned to leave, but then heard his father say something out loud. "Sajo Sabuku."

"What the fuck!" Ichigo found his whole body bound around his chest area.

"Bakudo Kido number sixty-three," Isshin stated, his tone suddenly having changed. He went and knelt down next to his son.

"If you were so concerned about keeping your secret, why use Kido and tell me exactly which one it was!" Ichigo muttered.

"If you had mentioned Ran-chan or Shiro-chan being in trouble earlier, I would have dropped this whole act sooner," Isshin stated, pulling his son back into the chair. "And you can't tell anyone… you might sign my death warrant."

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