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A few hours passed, and the general called a captains meeting, for all captains disincluding one Hitsugaya Toshiro. As Ichigo Kurosaki was watching the young taicho, Unohana was able to also attend. Also brought to the meeting were Matsumoto and Isshin, who knelt at the end of the pulpit. Quite a few of the captain's had a dirty look for the ex-taicho, showing up as he did. Out of respect for the head captain, they allowed him to start the questioning.

"Former taicho of the tenth division," Yamamoto stated firmly. "Why is it that you were pronounced dead and yet you stand here alive now?"

"Think about exactly who it was that pronounced me dead," Isshin stated firmly.

"You mean to say," the twelfth division captain stated firmly. "That you were in league with him?"

"No," Isshin gritted his teeth, knowing full well that someone would have brought up that subject. The wood scraped against his hands as he pushed down rather hard.

"Then why is it that he is significant to your disappearance," Byakuya stated.

Isshin suddenly glanced over at Yamamoto. "Do you recall the conversation I had with you, about my concerns about Hitsugaya Toshiro's future?"

"It was within the time frame of that mission, as if something were worrying you," Yamamoto stated.

"I had suspicions about Aizen, but no proof," Isshin stated. "I was trying to get the proof."

"Why not bring out the accusations right away?" Soi Fon asked.

"No one would have believed me as no such treachery existed before that, and to have a man hunt of an innocent man, like one that happened when dealing with the royal treasure," Isshin felt his ire rising and his reiatsu suddenly fluctuate.


Ichigo was beginning to nod off, when he felt a familiar spiritual pressure suddenly spike near where he was. It was like that one night he had been first asked to join the Arrancar. He knew quickly that it was his fathers.

To his utter shock and dismay, he also found Toshiro shooting up straight in bed. The small taicho's face had a complete look of shock. He started moving from the bed and Ichigo grabbed his wrist. He was in a position to feel the small boy's pulse, which was rapid. "Toshiro, calm down."

"Did you feel that spiritual pressure just now?" he stated, his voice strained, his eyes wide.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Ichigo stated.

Toshiro looked him square in the face. "You are lying to me. This was what everyone was hiding from me, wasn't it!"

"Toshiro, what do you think you're going to do!" Ichigo held on.

A sudden growl came from the small taicho. "I am not a child Kurosaki, let go!"

"I am not letting go, you moron!" Ichigo stated.

"I hate you," two small eyes looked Ichigo straight in the face as they grabbed for the upper robe and began to pull it on.

"You aren't going!" the strawberry shingami suddenly tightened his grip.

"And what exactly are you going to do to stop me?" Toshiro suddenly let out a release of his reiatsu, quite unexpectedly, blasting Ichigo a bit a way. He then shunpooed away.

"Shit… he's faster then me!" came the rather upset comment as he too took off.


"Don't you dare bring up…," Soi Fon started.

"Oh, I know… the general acted according to how he felt was best. But it still hurt," Isshin stated. "And I would not be back here if it weren't for him."

"That is understood," came the eight division captain's question. "Why didn't you return sooner?"

"I lost my powers and couldn't just undo Aizen's control," Isshin stated. "My son becoming a substitute soul reaper actually unlocked my powers I am guessing, before you even ask."

"Why not reappear soon after that," Soi Fon suddenly asked, even though she, like quite a few others were a bit taken aback by this revelation.

"Because… I was not going to be called out as being in cohorts with Aizen and Tosen," Isshin stated.

"You don't mention Gin," Matsumoto suddenly spoke up, bile rising in her voice.

"Consider Gin's motives, questionable, yes, but the reason that he volunteered to go on that mission with me was, I assume that he told me the truth, was to try to get out of Aizen's control. He's been manipulated since he was a child, and he trusted me enough to try. However, he also told me that he would not try again, as Aizen had been threatening Matsumoto and Hitsugaya," Isshin stated.

"What do you mean, threatening Hitsugaya taicho?" the seventh division captain suddenly asked.

"If Shiro-chan hadn't learned Bankai and gained the captaincy position, then Aizen would have placed someone in my place to be able to manipulate him. Gin told me that he felt the boy was what he could have been, had not Aizen interfered in his life," Isshin stated firmly.

"Are you trying to exonerate Gin?" Unohana suddenly asked.

"No… I'll let Gin tell you himself, or if he dies and is not able to, that his future actions confirm what I say. At least I hope so," Isshin had a sad look. "I've been watching him, as has… there is something else I need to bring up…"

"And that would be?" the general stated.

"My lieutenant before Toshiro, he is alive in the real world, all of his memories gone. I know that I might be in severe trouble, but I am asking now that one be lenient with him,"

"You can't confirm that someone is dead until their spiritual pressure is gone," the twelfth division captain murmured. "Then again, there was Hitsugaya's little friend…"

"Not to mention the interference. We assumed he had died, because we couldn't detect his spiritual pressure," Isshin stated. "I found out only later that he was alive, after I had lost my own powers. Right now he is watching my two girls, Karin and Yuzu."

"May I ask… do either of the two girls show signs of spiritual pressure?" Yamamoto asked.

"Yuzu can see ghosts only sometimes. Karin on the other hand, Urahara has told me she's on level of her brother in her abilities to see things," Isshin sighed. "If you are going to rip them from the living world, then I should not have asked that question."

"That was…" however, Yamamoto was interrupted by the doors suddenly slamming open and a gust of icy reiatsu coming out. Two guards had placed their weapons in front of the small taicho, who was wearing only the upper part of the shingami robe. "Hitsugaya Toshiro, I do not believe that you were informed of this meeting."

"I…" however, he found himself interrupted by someone trying to grab him from behind.

"You little snot!" Ichigo glared at the small boy as he dodged, then he glanced up. "Oops…"

"I am not a little kid Kurosaki!" Toshiro snapped.

"Would you two stop squabbling like siblings?" Isshin suddenly asked, giving the two of them dirty looks. Toshiro could only freeze, his eyes wide from shock, allowing Ichigo the chance to grab him.

"We'll be going now," Ichigo stated, turning to shunpoo away. Toshiro was feeling his breath catch in his chest as a bunch of emotions welled up. Unohana nodded to the general and followed after the two, realizing she would be needed.

Isshin shook his head. "I guess I am going to have to talk to him… he's going to kill me…"

"You think?" Matsumoto muttered.

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