Tin Cup

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Rangiku sat in her jail cell, staring up at the ceiling, her arms crossed behind her head. She was not in a good mood, not because of where she was, but more of what she had done to get there. "Taicho will never forgive me…"

"Duh… you came across as a perverted old lady," her zanpaktou hummed in her ear.

"Oh no… no, no…" Matsumoto closed her eyes. "I did not come across that way. You're just saying that Haineko to make me feel worse. Why do you like making me feel worse all the time?"

"Because you act to happy all the time, duh…" the cat purred. "I think that the real reason you are fond of that taicho of yours is because he is way too young to sexually harass you!"

"Haineko!" Matsumoto snapped, flinging her sword across the cell. Before she could say something out loud that sounded really stupid, the door opened and she heard another person being brought into the cell near her. She tried glancing out to see who it was, but instead ended up not seeing anyone, as the person seemed most willing to go into the jail cell.

"May I have a tin cup?" came a somehow familiar male voice. Rangiku couldn't place it, however she heard Byakuya taicho let out a groan and give in. She soon heard the cup clinking between the bars, and when a steady rhythm got going, she heard the voice break out into song.

I have a little tin cup

See me roar clinkity, clinkity

It makes such a nice sound

Oh clinkity, clinkity clink

It serves its purpose nicely

To drive a certain taicho nuts

Who happens to be standing

Right at that door

I shan't be put down

Nope; I'll remain as ever

Completely gleeful

Gleefully forever

At that, the jail cell door slammed open again and Byakuya stormed back in. "If you do not stop singing that awful song, I shall take your little tin cup away, Isshin…"

Matsumoto's eyes suddenly went wide, realizing exactly whom the sixth division taicho was speaking about. She suddenly flung herself at the bars. "What the fuck!"

"Oi… Ran-chan… seriously, that kind of language isn't pretty for someone with a face like yours…" Isshin smiled, still clinking his tin cup.

"Kuchiki taicho, what is going on! Why is that old fool here!" Rangiku was suddenly in a panic about the whole matter.

"The fool was a fool thinking he could fix the situation you and Hitsugaya taicho are currently in," the noble stated, then stormed out of the jail cell, leaving them behind.

"So… how are you?" Isshin asked, a smirk on his face, suddenly stopping with the clinking of his cup.

"How am I! I lost Gin recently, I am going to lose my current taicho as they will not let me remain his second, and then I have to deal with you! I take it taicho doesn't know you're here, I mean… he would have frozen you to death, or worse both of us!" Matsumoto suddenly yelled. "How could you disappear for so long and not send a message to us!"

"I don't see what the problem is," Isshin sighed.

"You know what I was stupid enough to tell Hinamori? That she was lucky to get a letter from her dead taicho!" Matsumoto was livid. "I said that because I remembered that taicho and I didn't have a clue what happened to taicho… I mean…"

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