Calming Momo

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On the side of the room where the captain's met was a window that was open to the outside, where someone could actually come and spy if they had so wanted to. In fact, it had been done before. The general Yamamoto sat cross legged in the hall, meditating and breathing in and out. He heard Unohana step through.

"Good evening, Retsu," the man stated, a small smile spreading on his face.

"Good evening, commanding general," the woman smiled. "Hinamori Momo, you can leave that window and come inside and join us. In fact, I would rather you did."

There was a soft noise coming from outside, and then they heard the guards commenting on her being there, and then the door opened, and a very timid face peeked through. "Yes…"

"Question comes into play," Yamamto suddenly spoke up, "Why did you leave the care of fourth division like you did?"

"I don't really know why," Hinamori glanced at the ground, not wanting to look the man in the eye.

"No… you know why," Yamamoto stated. "I am giving you the order not to harm the former taicho of the tenth division, or the current second command."

"But…" Momo's face suddeny turned dark. "He abandoned Shiro-chan!"

"We do not know that for sure. I think that you are placing your feelings of current events onto him because you need something to strike out at," the old man stated, expression not saving.

"I am not!" Hinamori , however…

Unohana shook her head at the small shingami female. "I have to say, I agree with the general, Hinamori. There is the fact that Isshin came back for both Matsumoto and Hitsugaya's sakes."

"What do you mean, their sakes, has something happened to Shiro-chan!" Hinamori's eyes suddenly went wide, however, neither of them gave her an awnser. "Please, don't hide it from me!"

"Matsumoto caused an accident to her captain that has cuased him to have to stay in the fourth division for a few days," Unohana spoke up. "Isshin-san became worried when he heard about it."

Hinamori's face remained dark. "I have to be dreaming. Matsumoto would never hurt Shiro-chan. Isshin would never do anything to help."

Suddenly, Yamamotto was behind her, and caused her to collapse over one of his arms. "You do realize that it might be best to keep her sedated for a few days?"

"I will try," the other captain sighed. "However, there is only so much sedation that I can do for her, concidering her mental condition."

"I completely understand. We do not, however, need her to blab to the young taicho that his former taicho is about the Soul Society," the general had a sad look in his eyes. "Not until we decide what to do with both of those two."


Isane was still watching the small taicho when Ichigo stepped into the room. He smiled at her. "If you don't mind, I would like to sit with him for awhile?"

Isane thought about it for a bit, then nodded her head and left the room. The orange haired shingami representive pulled the chair closer to the bed and turned it around. As he watched, Toshiro opened his eyes up. "I see that you are awake."

"I've been awake for awhile," the small boy commented, pushing himself off the bed. "What exactly is it that you want, Kurosaki?"

"To see how you are doing," the teenaged boy smirked.

"Then you can just leave," Toshiro stated in his normal tone. "I am feeling much better then I was earlier."

"I see though in your eyes that something is bothering you," Ichigo sighed.

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