Cleaning Office

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With Matsumoto in the sixth division cell units, Toshiro in the fourth division infirmary, and the fact that Rukia felt bad about the whole mess that had happened, she decided to help out at tenth division. Of course, most of the paper work was already finished, so she decided to clean up a bit in the office. Orihime decided to help her, as she had nothing better to do.

"So… why exactly is it that Rangiku-san and Toshiro-kun are unavailable?" Orihime stated yet again.

"Well… Matsumoto is… being detained for important business, I am not sure what, and Hitsugaya taicho, he wasn't feeling well… he was in… a little accident," Rukia half fibbed.

"If he is hurt, then I can heal him!" Orihime stated firmly, showing her fake arm muscle off.

"I would have said something sooner, but… Orihime… Unohana would have healed him by now if she felt he should be up and running. She's kind of forcing him to take a break from work," Rukia smiled at the girl, not wanting to let the sensitive girl know about the happening between Toshiro and Matsumoto, lest she become overly upset.

"Oh… well, that makes sense," Orihime stated as Rukia swept the floor. She was going through the desk drawers.

"Orihime… exactly what are you doing? You shouldn't go prying into people's private business," Rukia sighed, rolling her eyes at the girl.

"But… Toshiro-kun and Ran-chan are horrible when it comes to this stuff," the girl stated opening a certain drawer.

"I guess that kind of makes sense… no… wait… it doesn't!" Rukia stated waving the broom in the air.

"Uhh… what pretty rocks," Orihime muttered, picking up something from the drawer.

"Are you sure that they aren't those realization jingle bells that some people have. That seems more like something that Hitsugaya taicho would have… then… rocks…" Rukia muttered.

"No… there is a box with those in it too," Orihime smiled. "I think he collected them because they were interesting."

"I bet Matsumoto put them in there as a joke," Rukia frowned. "I mean… collecting rocks is rather childish, and he just doesn't do childish things."

"But isn't he a child?" Orihime became confused. "I am still a child and am allowed to do childish things. "

"More like think childish fantasies," Rukia muttered under her breath, trying hard not to laugh at her friend.

"There is a wooden top in here. Oh… why does he need a lieutenant's badge? I'll go put this over in Matsumoto's desk… though it is rather worn. Must be for emergencies!" the girl smiled, then returned back to the desk. She then suddenly got a frown on her face. "Isn't… isn't…"

"Whatever is the matter Orihime?" Rukia stated, again stopping her sweeping.

"Umm… Hitsugaya taicho doesn't smoke, does he?" Orihime muttered, having become rather upset. "Maybe that's why his voice is as deep as it is… oh dear… I need to give him a piece of my mind!"

"I don't… believe so. Why do you ask?" Rukia stated.

Orihime held up two different brands of cigarettes, each box opened and partially gone. "I think I'm just going to throw these away."

"What are you two doing?" came a half aware voice from the doorway as Hinamori chunked the boxes into the trash can.

Rukia glanced up, then clapped a hand to her mouth to hide her giggling. Orihime glanced up. "Toshiro-kun… I think you're wearing your uniform wrong…"

"Ehh…" the boy muttered, glancing down at his uniform, suddenly realizing that his haori was on inside out and he had put on the kimono so that the left side was on top. His cheeks turned a tad bit red. He then shunpooed over to the desk, seeing the open drawer. "More importantly… what are you doing in my desk drawer… and why are certain things missing."

"I didn't take the pretty rocks… or the jingle bells," Orihime pouted. "I just moved the lieutenant's badge over to Matsumoto's desk where it belongs, and tossed the cigarettes into the trash can."

"You what!" Toshiro's voice suddenly strained, and his eyes almost popped out. His hand suddenly dove into the trash can to pull the two boxes out, only to find the orange haired girl smacking him hard on the back of the head. "What the hell was that for Orihime-chan!"

"Someone your age shouldn't smoke! It isn't healthy!" Orihime stated firmly, while Rukia raised an eyebrow, realizing that Toshiro was still highly medicated. "No matter how grownup you may want to look, that is a bad thing."

"That is for one thing, none of your business, what I do or do not do in my life. Second, they are not mine," Toshiro stated firmly.

"Oh… that is what they told us in school people would typically say when they are denying the truth that it is there's," Orihime got her serious look on her face, which caused Toshiro to give her a confused look.

"Perhaps he had to confiscate them from some of his division members?" Rukia stated, trying to speak up for the small taicho.

Orihime made a big oh, but before she could say anything, Toshiro spoke up. "You are both wrong. They belonged to a couple of people I used to know, end of story."

"Hee…hee…" Orihime suddenly grabbed the feather duster off of the desk and went over to dust the book shelf. She watched as Toshiro went over to Matsumoto's desk and dug out the lieutenant's badge that the living girl had put there. "But isn't that Matsumoto's?"

"No… it's mine," Toshiro stated.

"But… Toshiro-kun is a taicho, not a lieutenant like Ran-chan!" Orihime stated, knocking a book of the shelf onto her head. "Owwie!"

Toshiro's eye twitched. "Do you think I was always taicho? This is from when I was a lieutenant, and I should hope I wasn't at all like her when I was that rank!"

"Oh… hee… hee…" the orange haired girl went and picked up the book, which happened to be a photo album. "Oh…"

"What does this oh mean?" Toshiro stated.

"I thought I saw someone here who I knew," Orihime smiled.

"Unless you can meet them now, other then those three that betrayed us, likely not," Toshiro muttered, putting the badge back into the drawer and shutting it.

"Well, I don't think you'll meet him either, as Kurosaki-kun says that he can't see spirits," Orihime stated, causing Rukia to give her a confused look as the robust girl put the book back on the shelf.

"By the way… where is Ichi-ni?" the small taicho asked, this time causing bother girls to stare at him with shocked looks. He gave them a confused look. "What… I asked where Kurosaki was, didn't I?"

Orihime was about to say that he had called Ichigo something other then usual, but Rukia hurried over and clapped a hand over the girls mouth. "He went to the real world to run an errand of some kind."

"I see," Toshiro stated, not bothering to sit down.

"Hitsugaya taicho?" came from the doorway. Both Hanataro and Harunobu of the fourth division were there. "You weren't supposed to leave yet."

Toshiro glared at the two just as Hanataro popped into his mouth one of his flour pills. "I now have the energy to carry you back!"

"I think not…" the small taicho muttered, however the eighth seat grabbed the scruff of the boys uniform.

"You put it on backwards…" the man muttered, shaking his head. The seventh seat made a cutting motion with his hand to the small boys neck, then though better of it and pulled out a green bottle. "Do you really think that will knock him out Yamada?"

"Hai!" the other young shingami smiled. "He may have a high reiatsu, but he is already medicated and very warn out."

With that, he dropped a green drop of liquid, and Toshiro suddenly went limp, his eyes shutting halfway. The eight seat gave them a charming smile. "Thank you… and sorry for bothering you like that!"

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