"Smashed into his"

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Me, Jim and Mr Spock (the pointy eared one) walked into the Medical Unit where we saw a blond Doctor with blue eyes. There are a lot of people on this ship with blond hair and blue eyes I thought to myself.

"What have we got?" Jim asked anyone who would know

"That looks like the fuel compartment of the torpedo has been removed and refitted exactly to hide that Cryo tube" Jim was staring in amazement at the fact I'd only just walked in and I'd started to do my job

"Jessica?" A man walked out of a room behind us and had a hint of southern in his American accent I turned round and my face lit up brighter than the sun and stars put together "Bones" I went over and hugged him tighter than I ever had before

"Woa I take it someone's happy to see you alive Bones" Jim was smiling knowing full well, what happened on that planet scared the hell out of me. He just smiled and said "I'm happy to see her too but what are you doing here?" I pulled away still smiling

"Jim wanted me here as a Doctor, Lucy's here too she's with Uhura on the Bridge"

"You two can sort your love life out later I want to know if he's alive"

"Love life?" I went over and whispered in his ear "If you ever tell him what happened on the Bridge I will make you have every shot you will ever need all in one hour on the same arm" I walked back and smiled innocently at him before he shivered a little.

"Yea he's alive but if we try to revive him without the proper sequencing it could kill him. This technology is beyond me"

"How advanced Doctor?" Mr Spock did ask a lot of questions

"It's not advanced that Cryo tube is ancient" The blond one looked like she knew what she was talking about "I'm Carol by the way Carol Marcus" she held her hand out to me

"Jessica Carino" I shook it lightly

"We haven't needed to freeze anyone since we developed warp capability...which explains the most intresting thing about our friend here. He's 300 years old" Jim and Spock looked at each other stunned before running out somewhere. I asked to see Carol a distance away from anyone else and she came. "Thank you Carol"

"What for?"

"You saved Bo...Doctor McCoy"

"I take it you like him a lot then" I nodded slightly "Well then...you are welcome Jessica" I hugged her gently before Bones started asking for us. We walked back to the main room where we saw him with a massive ball of fluff "What's that?" I asked

"It's called a Tribble. They are born pregnant but this one is dead. I want to do an experiment on him but I need more of Harrison's blood can you get me some please"

"Sure thing" He handed me a sryinge and I headed to the Brig. I was getting bored on my way there so I started talking to myself in my head Hey Jay


You're on a mission...

And the point is?

I hadn't finished...You're on a mission and you're not going back without blood. I giggled slightly as I walked through the doors.

"You're Harrison yes?"

"Not really but carry on" He was tall with black hair, a black outfit and bluey grey eyes

"What do you mean?"

"My name is not John Harrison"

"What is it then?"

"My name is Khan"

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