Chapter 3

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When you arrive at the academy, you step out of the shuttle and are blinded by the brilliance of the reflection off of the buildings. Everything looks brand new. You had but a second to marvel at the city around you; there were people behind you who wanted to get off the shuttle. You step aside out if the flow of people to open the letter your dad had given you. Inside of it was a check for $300 and a note that read "Here is some spending money, but mostly for food and other essentials that you might need while you are there. Have fun, be careful, don't do anything we wouldn't do. Love, mom and dad." Getting the note made your day even better that it already was. Shoving it into a safe place in your bag, you ran to catch up with the rest of the group.

At the registration table, you got your uniform, room number and key, a map, and the school issued PADD. Looking through all of the features, you noticed that you can hook up your medical scanner and tricorder with it. Studying the map, you noticed that your dorm building was right across from the medical center. "YESSSSS!!" was all that you could think at the moment.

You are not exactly sure what that was your first thought. Its not like you are in love with Leonard McCoy. You have never been in love with anyone before. And it sure wasn't going to be with a guy who when you first met, he had his head in a toilet. But, he was kinda cute. When he wasn't throwing up, of course.

When you got to your dorm room, all of your luggage was there, as well as another copy of your schedule and about three more uniforms. One of them was a dress uniform. Moving over to your window, you could see the Golden Gate Bridge! It was a view that anyone could fall in love with, and it had certainly already stole your heart.

It was 2:30 when you had settled down and everything was where it should be. You had requested a single room, but you had been given a room with two beds in it. Most of the other applicants had requested a roommate, so that left you and a few other people in the almost-empty dorm building. "Good," you thought, "No one will care when I blast my music." There were 5 floors and you were put on the top one. No one above, no one below. You also found a roof access that you are pretty sure is off limits, but it has a beautiful view of everything.

At 4:00 was the meeting time for the tour. You were there 5 minutes early to get checked in and make sure you were in the right group. Through the sea of heads, you manage to find Leonard through it. You also see that he is talking to another guy with dirty blonde hair that looks like he is about 19 or 20. You decide to leave them alone. Not because you didn't want to intrude, but you have seen enough of him that day.

After the tour, it was about 6:45, and you were exhausted. You feet hurt, your legs were tired, and you were starving! Needing food, you headed downtown to a little café. It was the fall and all of the leaves had started to turn red, orange, yellow, and every color in between.

Upon entering, you walked up the counter, ordered a medium hot chocolate and a grilled cheese with bacon and tomatoes. After you got your drink and sandwich, you sat down at an empty table and started setting up your PADD so it was connected to your medical scanner and had all of your books and accounts on it. You were so engrossed by the setting up of the PADD, you didn't notice that anyone had sat across from you.

Between typing on you PADD, eating, and drinking, you never looked up for five minutes. You stretched your hand out to find where you had set your drink; and when you couldn't find it you looked up to see Leonard McCoy sitting across from you with your hot chocolate in one hand and a coffee in the other. You raised an eyebrow before looking back down at your PADD to finish the set up.

About 30 seconds later, everything was set up and you looked back at him. Giving him a half hearted smile, and said "Can I have my drink back, please?" He cleaned up since the shuttle ride. He shaved his stubble, washed up, and changed into clean clothes. He looked a lot better than he had before. He raised an eyebrow and smiled smugly. Why did he have to look that! Wait, what? You must have looked flustered because he let out a deep chuckle that broke your train of thought.

"So, what have you done today, besides steal distracted girls' hot chocolates?" you asked. Chuckling, he handed you your hot chocolate back and said "Not much. Cleaned up, as you can probably tell. What have you done?" "I went on the tour around campus. And set up my PADD." you responded. He looked nervous and slightly sick, and you asked "Are you feeling OK? What's wrong?" Worry consumed every part of your body, causing the nurse in you to whip out the medical scanner and your PADD, checking all his vitals. His look was a cross between surprise and confusion.

Everything looked normal. You looked back up, a worried look dancing across your face. "Leonard..." you started. He cut you off. "Please, call me Bones." "OK. What's wrong, Bones?" you asked again. He swallowed hard; you could tell he was thinking hard. "I was wondering.... Are you doing anything tonight?" he asked. "No..." you responded, a slight smile playing across your lips. He hesitated a moment before asking, "Would you like to do something with me? Tonight?"

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