Chapter 6

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You woke up to the sound of your alarm going off. You groaned and rolled out of bed. Put the clock on the other side of the room, they said. It will get you out of bed, they said. Yeah, it got you out of bed to turn it off. And straight back into bed to sleep for another 10 minutes. But you didn't. You didn't know why though. Oh yeah, first day if class! You walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Yep, that was you; bed head and all.

Fifteen minutes later, you were ready for class. There was a knock at the door. You went to open the door and found an exhausted Bones on the other side. "What happened?" you asked him as you ushered him inside and onto the bed. He wasn't speaking at all, and you got your medical scanner and PADD. You scanned him, and nothing was where it should have been. You took his face between your hands and looked into his eyes. "Bones. What happened?" He snapped out of his trance for a moment. You had a glimmer of hope before he sank back under again. "That's it. We're going to Medbay." you said as you grabbed your bag and everything you needed for class. You put his arm around your shoulder and helped him to his feet. It was hard getting him down the stairs. But you did without dropping him.

Upon arriving at Medbay, two nurses came to take him to a biobed. You then fell onto a chair and took a deep breath. A doctor in all white came to you and said "Hello, my name is Dr. Davis. Do you know the man you brought in?" "Yes. His name is Leonard McCoy. What's wrong with him?" you asked. A look of distress crossed his face when he said "We don't know yet. But we will alert you when we find out, or when he wakes up." "OK. Thank you so much. I'm sorry, I have to get to class." you said as you stood up and shook his hand, and ran out of the Medbay.

*Time skip brought to you by unnatural forces of nature.*

Your first day was good, other than not hearing from the doctor at all. "Like, who does that?" you thought as you walked from you last class of the day to the Medbay. You walk into the foyer and go to the front desk. "Hi. Could you tell me where Leonard McCoy's room is?" you asked the man. He smiles, hands you a badge, and says "Third floor, to the left, fourth door on the right." You thank him and get on the elevator with a doctor and press the level three button. You got off and went to his room, and found him in full restraints yelling at the nurse trying to change his bag of fluid. You went up to him and put your hands on his shoulders to hold him down. The nurse gave you a gracious look before taking the needle out of his arm and running out of the room.

You gave him a look before loosing his arm restraints. He realized who you were before saying "Oh, hey Y/N. How are ya?" "Why?" you asked him in a desperate voice. "Why what?" Like he didn't know. You gestured to the door. "All that. Why were you yelling at her? And what was wrong with you, anyways?" you practically yelled at him. He looked hurt, so you pulled up a chair and sat down by his biobed. He sat up and said "She wasn't good at all. She missed my vein a lot. And turns out, I had alcohol poisoning." "What, how?" you asked him. "I didn't smell any alcohol on your breath this morning." A look of udder fear crossed his face before he said "I came to your room? I came to your room! I came to your room." Bones hid his face on in his hands and moaned. "How did you find my room?" you asked. "I..... Don't know." he said. And you knew he was being honest.

You both sat in silence for a moment before you got up and walked over to the other side of the bed. His eyes followed you and he asked "What are you doing?" In a flash you strapped both of his arms and torso down to the bed. Bones didn't resist you. Weird. You then found everything you needed to reattach his fluid. "No." he said before straining against the straps. He wiggled and wiggled but couldn't get loose. He gave you a look of pure fear before saying "Please, don't." Your ice cold nurse instincts kicked in and said "The fluid will drain all of the alcohol out of your system. And you will get out of here faster. I promise." You gave him a soft look before swabbing the area where the needle would go in with a disinfectant wipe. He said "OK. But tell me before you put it in."

At that moment, your heart broke. You saw the fear in his eyes as he looked at you with the needle positioned over his forearm. You heard it in his pleading voice. You saw it in his defeated look. A tear escaped your eye, you choked back a sob and said "I'm sorry." Then you put the needle in his arm, put a piece of medical tape over the area the needle went in, turned the drip on, and ran out of the room crying.

You could hear Bones yelling "Y/N! Come back!" But you couldn't. You kept running. You didn't know where you were running to, but you had to get out of there. Finding the stairs and running down them, you flew out of the front doors. When you realized where your legs had taken you, you sat down on the bench. The same bench Bones kissed you by not even 24 hours ago. You sat down. But no more tears fell. You felt horrible though. "How could you do that?!" you yelled at yourself in your head. "He trusted you. Now he won't want anything to do with you!"

Then you broke. The tears fell silently. No one around you noticed. You stayed like that for a good 20 minutes. After that, you got up, walked back to your room, and did your homework. When you were done, it was 8:30. So you got ready for bed and fell asleep the instant your head hit the pillow.

You avoided Medbay the next day. You knew the nurses probably wondered how the needle got back in his arm, and you also knew he would most likely be fighting them off again. A sad smile crossed you face. Remembering everything that had happened with him, you almost lost it. But you held it together and got on with your day.

That was the last time you saw him. For three years, you were both strangers to each other. Until the night that changed everything.

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