Chapter 10

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You patiently waited 3 weeks to get the surgery, and it was done by Bones. He was the last face you saw before you went under, and he was the first face you saw when you woke up. According to a nurse you talked to, he was there the entire time you were unconscious. At one point, a nurse told him to leave, but he refused to leave your side.

You were released from the hospital 5 days later with a pair of crutches, painkillers, and antibiotics. He showed you his first floor room with a king-size bed and a two person bathroom. It was in a building that was reserves for graduates that teach at the university. He told you to go get 2 weeks worth of clothes. With his help, of course.

After everything was rounded up and in your temporary home, you sat down on the couch next to Bones and watched an old movie about aliens on earth. It was "Men in Black," and it was a marathon. It was only 6:30, but you were exhausted. You fell asleep with your head on his shoulder, only to be woken up by him carrying you to bed.

You woke up at about 2:30 in the morning, gasping for air. You put your head in your hands, closed your eyes, and took shaky breathes. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you screamed. You jumped out of bed and instantly fell. Oh yeah, foot. You curled up in the fetal position on the floor as the lights turned on. Bones came around the side of the bed with a worried look on his face. He looked over you for physical injuries.

You stayed like that for awhile. You heard a knock at the door. Bones looked down at you and you nodded, telling him he had permission to go to the door. When he was gone, you sat up against the wall and gathered yourself. Then you got up and hopped to the door, leaning on the door frame. Over Bones's shoulder you saw James Kirk and Commander Spock.

Kirk looked over Bones' shoulder and his eyes landed on you. He pushed past Bones and asked you "What happened? Are you OK?" "Yeah, I'm fine." you said, and your voice cracked. He realized something because he asked you "Wait. Didn't you just have surgery? Why are you standing? Why aren't you in Medbay? What?!" You giggled at his bewilderment.

Then a hot flash of pain came from your foot. You lost your breath and doubled over from the pain. You felt Jim's hand grab your arm and asked "Bones, what's wrong?" You felt another pair of hands grab your other arm. Bones. You heard Bones say "I don't know." You were dragged to the bed and felt another pair of hands grab your good leg. Cooler, strong. Spock. You were lifted up onto the bed.

Another wave of pain came over you, and you screamed. Bones came back with a hypo and carefully gave you an injection. The pain went away after about 3 minutes. You were lying on the bed half asleep when the bed shook. You looked over and saw Commander Spock sitting on the edge of the bed, rubbing his face. You sat up and moved next to him. Spock looked over at you and said "Oh. You're awake. How are you feeling?" You smiled and said "Better than before. Thanks." Bones walked in at that moment and his face lit up.

He sat down next to you, and you all sat in silence. Jim burst in with drinks and food for everyone. Jim got a double cheeseburger with everything on it and bacon, or what Bones called "a heart attack between bread". Spock got a salad. You shared a 20-piece nugget box and large fries with Bones. Jim also brought you a chocolate milkshake, which you gratefully accepted with a smile. Everyone finished everything they were brought. Jim even tried to steal a fry, but you swatted his hand away and gave him a look.

You all sat on the couch and watched the rest of the "Men in Black" marathon. All the guys sat in a row on the couch and you sat with your legs draped across their laps. You looked over and all of them were asleep. Bones was snoring, Jim was drooling, and Spock had his face turned up towards the ceiling. You reached over, found your PADD, and took a few pictures to show them later. You smiled to yourself and wondered where you would be without them. You fell asleep with a smile on your face and a feeling that everything was going to be alright.

When you woke up, Spock and Jim were gone. You knew they didn't leave that long ago because the drool mark where Jim had been was still fresh. It was 8:30 in the morning, and you had to be at the hospital at 9 for a check up. Bones was still there. He should have been at Medbay half an hour ago. You didn't want to disturb one of the few moments of peace, but the day has to start at some point.

You decided to let him wake up on his own time, so you got up and started to prepare breakfast. There was a food replicator, but homemade cooking was always better. You saw Bones wake up about 10 minutes later and look around. His eyes landed on you and he smiled. You looked back to what you were doing and you said "Mornin', sleepy head." He got up, went into the bedroom and got you one of your crutches. He handed it to you and said "You should really stay off of your feet." You looked at him, took the crutch, and handed him a plate with bacon, eggs, and toast. "Enjoy!" you told him as you limped away to get ready.

You arrived at Medbay at exactly 9:00, which was unusual because you were usually late to anything and everything. When you got through the doors, Bones took you straight to a room and started to get to work. He said when you fell last night it didn't affect anything too important. It moved a pin out of place and actually helped the fracture move back into place. That was why it hurt so much. Everything was fine, nothing else was out of order. You got a refill on the painkillers and were sent on your way.

You got back to Bones's room 10 minutes after you left Medbay. He took your crutches and put you in a wheelchair. For the next month. You yelled at him when he didn't give you the crutches back. "I'm sorry, but you're too accident prone. As a doctor, I don't want you back in except to get the cast off. As a friend, I don't want you to be in pain. As a roommate, I don't want to hear the crutches on the floor."

The solution you came up with was to throw the pillow that was under your foot at his head. It hit him square in the face and landed on the PADD he was holding. You could see a smile playing on the edge of his lips. You gave him a ridiculous grin, and he started to crack up. You cracked up too. When you both finally caught your breath, he helped you into the wheelchair and pushed you to his room. He left you there to go back to work. Before he left, he turned around and said "I feel bad leaving you here alone." You simply smiled at him and said "You shouldn't. I was the one who hurt myself. Besides it would be the same if I was in my room. Except I would probably fall getting up the stairs and be right back in Medbay." Bones said "Not happening." He turned around, closed the door, and you were left alone with only your thoughts.

You were alone for a couple of hours before anyone came back. It was Bones, and he was back for lunch. You had already prepared a meal for him and yourself. As you both ate, Bones stopped, but his fork down, and sighed. You looked up and asked him "What's wrong?" He thought before he spoke. "I just found out that my soon-to-be ex wife is trying to take the property that I bought before I married her. She is claiming that its hers, so I have to find the deed to prove I own it. I'm meeting her later today. I'm going to try to convince her to let me have it, with or without the deed." he said. "I don't even know why she wants it. She was never there, and I never told her about it." You thought for a minute, and finally came up with "I think she wants it just to sell it and get more money. I never met her, but does that sounds like something she would do?" He smiled and said "That's exactly what she would do." He finished his lunch, cleaned up, and left again for Medbay.

Later, at about 5:00, a knock came from the door. You wheeled over to answer it and found Kirk, Spock, and Uhura on the other side. Kirk was smiling like a doof and said "We're here to kidnap you!" You must have look surprised, because Kirk got behind the wheelchair and said "It'll be fine. Trust me." "The last time I trusted you, I had no other choice." you said, thinking back to the day you tripped. "Yeah, and look how that turned out!" he laughed.

They took you to the café you went to the first day you were here, 4 years ago. They wheeled you inside, moved you to a chair, and left with the wheelchair. "Wait!" you yelled at them as they left. Uhura gave you a small wave before running after Spock and Kirk. Now you were stranded there with no way to leave. At that moment, Bones walked in. With another woman!

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