Chapter 12

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You knew how he felt. When you left him. You felt your heart break. It was the worst feeling; worse than when you broke your ankle, the worst pain of your life. Worse that the day your real dad walked out on you and your mom. The day of your 16th birthday.

You still regretted that day you ran out of the hospital room, Bones calling after you. You sobbed harder, the memories crashing over you like a wave, crushing any will to fight it right out of you. You couldn't think. You just couldn't think. Any thought you had was twisted to make it seem as thought you had driven Bones to do this.

After about 10 minutes your brain decided it would be a good idea to access the options you had. Stay and wait, ask around, cry more, go after him, do nothing. Your mother had always told you not to go after a guy if he left you. But you felt like going after him was the best option. You didn't want his nasty ex wife getting the place he so obviously cared about. You didn't feel like it now, but he needed you; it was a gut feeling, and sometimes, a gut feeling is all we humans have to go on. (^ For those who don't know, that's a reference to an episode of Star Trek: The Original Series.^)

So you did what your gut told you to do. You went after him.

*Time skip brought to you by Khan. "Shall we begin?"*

Everything was packed, the ticket for the train was bought, and you knew exactly where he was going to be. You had asked Kirk where Bones had grown up. It was a small town in the middle of no where. Being friends with the captain had its advantages; he managed to get you off duty for the next two weeks.

You were on the train to Georgia. At 4 a.m., it was a smooth ride until the train came to a complete stop for cows crossing the railroad. The time delay managed to take half an hour, somehow. 'A fence.' was the first thought you had when everyone was told what the delay was. You looked out the window at the rising sun. It was a shade of pastel yellow that you had never seen before. It was beautiful. You still had another 6 hours before you had to be awake. No one else was in the row with you, so you put the arm rests up, grabbed your pillow and blanket, and stretched the length of the seats. Putting your headphones on, you dozed off to all of your favorite songs on shuffle.

You woke up to someone shaking you by the shoulders. "Ma'am, the train has arrived." was what greeted you from your nightmare-less sleep. The lady waking you up was in her mid-30's with soft features and strikingly yellow eyes. She had two antenna coming from the top of her head and light green skin. One of the better ways to wake up.

Once you gathered everything up and were off the train, you realized that you were starving. Across from the train station there was a small café with a big sign that flashed "Fresh Donuts!" You went over and, Lord behold, there was nothing but donuts, gallons of milk, coffee, and other various drink that you had never even heard of before. You ordered a dozen donuts of all different varieties and half a gallon of milk.

Earlier when Bones was telling you about the property, he pulled up an image of it on your PADD, so you had the address. You decided to call him and ask him where he was, then show up after saying you would be there in 15 minutes. You walked outside to a bench, pulled out your communicator, and called him. You heard him open his communicator and a "Get down!" You had the tears built up enough to make it sound like you had been crying. "Bones?" you said, your voice cracking. "Y/F/N? What's wrong?" you heard him respond. You let a sob escape and asked "Where are you? They let me out of Medbay and I went back to your room and you weren't there." The other end was silent. Then you heard "I ,um.... Was called away to a conference. After you left." "Really?" you asked him. "No. I went to Georgia to find the deed to my house. Are you mad?" he asked. You smiled a little and said "No, not mad. But I know how you felt when I left, and I'm sorry. I'll be there in 15. Love ya!" "Wait, WHAT?" you heard as you closed the communicator.

You looked around at your surroundings. There was the train station, the donut store, a few little shops, and a car renal place. You headed over there and rented a 2-door Ford, like the one you had at home, except for a smaller cab. You set your PADD for the house and it told you the directions. It said you would be there in 15 minutes, which was great. Then you loaded your luggage into the bed of the truck and got in. Everything was in order and you headed out.

The drive was a lot of dirt roads and you didn't mind. It was actually peaceful and cleared your head of the the worries you had come here with; your mom and not being able to contact her or your dad, Bones leaving, the troubles of work, going back into space, what's to come of your relationship with the man you actually felt something for. Nothing could bother you at that moment.

You pulled up to the house, and there was already a car there. All the windows to the house were open. A tabby cat came slinking over and meowed loudly demanding you pet him. You squatted down and scratched him between the ears. You scanned your surroundings and your eyes landed on a figure in the doorway. The figure was wearing a flannel shirt, worn jeans, and cowboy boots that had obviously been through a lot in their life time. You stood up as the figure walked towards you.

You gave him a sad smile and said "Hi Bones. Did you miss me?"

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