Chapter 15

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You managed to make it back to the house without hitting anything. Or anyone. When Bones stopped the truck, you hopped out and went inside to grab your coat. You walked back out and met him on the porch. You took his hands and said "I had fun tonight. Thank you, for everything. I really needed that." You kissed him on the cheek and with that, you walked out to your truck and got in.

You looked over to wave goodbye to him, and he wasn't there. Then your door opened and a pair of lips crashed into yours. You were surprised at first, but then melted into the kiss. Bones pulled away and asked "Why are you leaving?" "I showed up uninvited, without any warning whatsoever. I knew you just got here, so I wasn't sure if you even had anywhere to sleep. I was going to go to a motel or something." you explained. He grabbed the keys out of your hand and dragged you out of the truck. He then decided to pick you up bridal style, carry you into the house, and throw you onto the couch. Bones went back outside, grabbed your luggage, locked your truck, and took your bags upstairs. "So I guess I'm staying here then?" you asked him as he sat beside you. "That's correct. No girlfriend of mine is going to stay in a hotel when I have a perfectly good house in the area." he stated, as confidently as ever.

"Well, in that case..." you said as you grabbed the remote to the TV and snuggled beside him. You flipped through the channels until you found something the you both agreed on. It was a really old movie called Jurassic World. The movie was just starting, so nothing was really missed.

About halfway through the movie, you heard Bones snoring beside you. Smiling, you wiggled out from under his arm and turned the TV off. You grabbed a blanket and threw it over him. You saw his head was at a weird angle, and you didn't want to have a complaining baby with you all day, so you grabbed a pillow and lifted his head up to put the pillow underneath. He woke when you lifted his head up and right-hooked you in the ribs. As his fist make contact with your ribs, you felt a crunch, and cried out in pain and surprise. You fell on your back and rolled over onto your knees with one hand clutching your side and the other on the floor holding you up. You couldn't catch your breath and every time you took a breath in it felt like you were being stabbed where you got hit.

The lights were turned on and in an instant, Bones was at your side. You could hear him mumbling things under his breath as he ran over your body with his medical scanner. He put everything aside and said "Okay darlin', I'm gonna need you to lay on your back so I can get a better look at your ribs. Can you do that for me, Y/F/N?" You knew he was in doctor mode; he wasn't freaking out like other guys would if they punched their girlfriend in the ribs. With Bones's help, you rolled over onto your back and laid down. Every move, every breath hurt. A sob escaped, and you instantly regretted it. It felt like you were being stabbed by a hot poker. "I'm sorry, Y/F/N. I know you were trying to take care of me; but now its my turn to take care of you." Bones said as he got up to grab some wrap and a portable oxygen mask. He placed the mask over your nose and mouth and helped you over to the couch, where you sat on the ground with a gap between the couch and your back. "Do you mind?" he asked, motioning to your shirt. You shook your head no, and he undid the buttons on your flannel and slipped it off your shoulders. He grabbed a hypo and said "This is to help the pain. You might feel numbness or tingling in other parts of your body, and that's completely normal." When he put the hypo in your arm, you instantly felt better. It didn't hurt to breath and you could move without pain.

Bones started to wrap your torso, and you felt it as his hand brushed where you got hit. It didn't hurt, but he gave you goose bumps. You stopped his hand as it passed in front of you. Between your two hands, you studied his one hand. It was rough and strong, but steady and caring. Nothing like your soft, shaky hands. He interrupted your train of thought by clearing his throat and asking "Can I have my hand back? I would like to finish wrapping your ribs. You have two broken ribs and one with a hairline fracture." "Steadiest hands on the ship." you mumbled in response. He must of heard you because he chuckled and continued to wrap.

When he was done, he said "We have to get to bed. We still have a few hours left before we have to get up." You were somewhat drugged from the medicine, so you were kind of giggly and loopy. Bones picked you up and you instantly wrapped your legs around his hips and your arms around his neck. He held you up by your butt and carried you up the stairs. When he laid you down into the bed he was in earlier, he started to walk away. Through the haze in your head, you saw this, took the oxygen mask off, and said "Don't go! Come back." He turned around and said "I'm not goin' anywhere, darlin'. I'll be back in a sec. I need to get more medicine for later." You groaned and said "Don't get the same stuff. It makes me feel weird....-er than usual." He chucked and replied "Noted."

He came back a couple of minutes later in PJs with your suitcase. "He flipped the lights on and set your suitcase on the bed. He opened it and riffled through all your stuff before finally pulling out a T-shirt, sleep shorts, a sports bra, and your tooth brush. He handed you everything and said "The bathroom is right there.", pointing to a doorway across from the bed. You went in and changed and brushed your teeth.

You walked out of the bathroom without the haze in your mind. Everything was clearer, but you didn't feel any pain at all. You put your clothes in your suitcase and looked over to the bed. Bones was laying there fast asleep, and you had learned your lesson the first time you woke him up. You grabbed a pillow off the bed, aimed, and threw it at his face. It hit its mark, and Bones sat straight up. He looked around, bewildered at what had hit him and why he was hit. You laughed, causing him to look over at you and laugh too.

You walked over, turned the lights off, and climbed into bed. Next to the man you love. Bones instantly put an arm over you and pulled you against his chest. You breathed in his scent; different from when you had been close to him before. More natural, outdoorsy. You looked up to see if he was asleep yet, and he wasn't. He was looking down at you. You reached up and kissed him. "Good night. I love you." you said into his chest. He held you closer and said "I love you too, Y/F/N." You drifted off to the sound of his heart beating and the gentle rise and fall of his chest.

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