Chapter 4

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"What?" was the first thing out of your mouth before your could even think about what had happened. You must have looked really bad because he placed his hand on top of your, but you barely noticed. Your head was too busy spinning in circles to think straight, for even a moment.

After a couple of seconds, your head cleared up for a moment, just long enough for you to take the bottle of iron pills out of your bag. The one thing doctors are good for is prescribing medicine that helps when you receive startling news. Through the fog in your head, the attempted opening of the bottle, and trying to balance everything on your lap, you didn't notice Bones' startled and bewildered look.

When you couldn't open the bottle, he gently reached over, placed his hands over yours, and helped you open the bottle. His hands on top of your didn't help the fact that you were about to pass out. You shook two out into your hand, grabbed your drink, and swallowed them all in one gulp. You then put one hand on top of the other and put your forehead on top of your hands. Your hand was still spinning so fast you thought you might be sick.

Two minutes later, you didn't feel any better. The pills were supposed to work with stuff like this. The one time they didn't work you were with the man who when you met him, he was at his weakest. You looked up at Bones' face. You could tell he was worried. Your not exactly sure how because your vision was covered with little black dots. In between your shallow breathing and fading in and out of consciousness you managed to say "Medbay. Please."

Understanding without any further explanation, Bones jumped into action. Shoving everything into your backpack, he slung it over his shoulder and tried to help you up to your feet. As soon as he did that, your legs gave out and all of your weight fell on him. You felt a pair of strong hands slide under your back and legs, and you could hear a heartbeat, so strong and fast that you knew it wasn't yours. "Y/N, everything is going to be all right. Just stay with me, OK? Y/N..... Y/N!" was all that you could hear from from the mam who had you in his arms.

You faded in and out for the rest of the way back to campus. When you got to the Medbay, you couldn't distinguished up from down. Or his body from yours. You felt it as he set you down on an exam table, and you could hear all the people around you. "Y/N can you hear me? Y/N?" an unfamiliar voice asked. Everything sounded as though it was under water.

Just then a blindingly bright light was shone into your eyes, causing the darkness to overtake you further. You looked around for Bones, but the only thing you saw was black. Feeling a slight pinch in your forearm, you let out a small groan. Not caring anymore, you let the darkness win, and drifted off into a nightmare filled sleep.

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