Chapter 7

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You hadn't seen him in three years. Until you weren't paying attention to where you were walking and tripped, breaking your ankle. You couldn't get to Medbay by yourself, but two kind people, James Kirk and Uhura, helped you there. When you were through the doors, you were about to pass out from the pain. A nurse came to you with a wheelchair and took you to the emergency area. You were then placed on a biobed and strapped down so you didn't roll off.

You heard the curtains move aside and felt a pair of strong, familiar hands move your ankle side to side to access the damage. You looked up, and there he was. Bones. Dressed in all white; like an angel. You felt your face flush, and he looked up at you. But he didn't recognize who you were. He came to near your head, prepared a pain killer IV drip, and said in his deep, southern laced voice "Hello, my name is Dr. McCoy. What happened to ya?" Your heart broke, remembering that day. All you could do was let out a muffled sob. "I know it hurts now, but you will feel better soon." he reassured you. He looked into your eyes and smiled at you. You saw no pain or fear in his eyes. Unlike then. You managed a weak smile.

You always mulled over that day in your mind. You regretted everything. Going to see him. Talking to him. Putting the needle in his arm. Running out. Not turning back. Cutting him out of your life, completely and suddenly, and without warning.

After a few minutes, you did feel better. Bones was busy wrapping your ankle and setting the cast. You had x-rays done, and it was broken in two places and fractured in three. "I never got your name." he said, suddenly. "You look extremely familiar. Like a girl I met, about three years ago." "Y/N. Y/F/N Y/L/N." you said, bracing yourself for his wrath. He looked up at you and he instantly knew. His faced dropped, and the tension in the little room was so thick you could have cut it with a knife. Bones stood up and walked out. Another doctor came in to finish your cast. You stared up at the ceiling and asked "What did I do?"

"I don't know," the doctor said. "But he was in pain." That hurt worse than the breaks and fractures. Wait, that voice. "Dr. Davis?" you asked, looking down at the man wrapping your ankle. He looked older, more tired. "Yep. That's me. What, were you the one that brought Dr. McCoy in?" he asked. "Yes. But I have a question. Why didn't you notify when he woke up?" you didn't want the answer, but curiosity got the better of you. He realized what you were talking about and said "Dr. McCoy said not to bother you." "Oh, thank you so much." you said. He finished your cast and was walking out when you said "Wait. One more question. How old is he? Dr. McCoy." He turned around, smiled, and said "He's 26 years old." "Thank you." you said, and smiled back at him.

A nurse came in with discharge papers, then you were let go with crutches and an array of pain killers. You had been informed that you would be on crutches for graduation. Your communicator beeped. You flipped it open and said " Cadet Y/L/N." A male's husky voice said "Please report to hanger 3 for star ship assignments." "Yes, sir." you said and started to hobble there. You had time to stop by your dorm room to grab everything and change into your uniform. Whatever had happened, was a situation of life or death.

*Time skip brought to you by Sarek.*

You had been assigned to the USS Enterprise. You would be working in the Medbay, because you had taken a class in nursing and emergency first aid. "Great," you thought, as you boarded the shuttle. "A lot of office work for me." You sat in the back, not wanting to draw attention to yourself. Then you saw Bones board with what looked like a drugged James Kirk. After everyone was on, the shuttle's engine roared to life and took off with about another 20, all in formation.

For three years, you had repeatedly tried to call your parents. No one answered. And you couldn't get a break to go and see them. You tried one last time before you got out of the atmosphere. No answer. You wondered what could have happened, or what had happened. You remembered your mom had been sick before you left. "Oh, please no." you thought. "Anything but that." Your family has a history of cancer.

Your thoughts were cut short upon seeing the station. You had never seen anything like it. Were you were aboard the Enterprise, you were taken to Medbay in a wheelchair. When you got there everybody was hustling to make sure they had everything that was needed. Then you saw Bones hovering over the body of James Kirk. When Bones turned his back to Kirk, he woke up and ran to a station. Then he ran out of Medbay yelling something about his birthday and the USS Kelvin, and Bones ran after him. No one was watching you, so you wheeled out after them. You found a pair of crutches, ditched the wheelchair, and crutched after them. You caught up with them, and they were talking to Uhura. All three of them ran to the bridge, and so did you, but you hid behind the door and listened to them talk to Captain Pike.

Everything went silent. Then the ship dropped out of warp, and everything jerked. You were thrown off your feet and into the wall. You hit your head, and everything went dark. You still heard, but it sounded far away. "Y/N!" you heard. Bones. You felt him pick you up bridal style and start running. You were barely breathing or moving. You felt his chest shake, and something wet fall on your face. "No. Y/N. No. Don't go like this, please. The Enterprise needs you. The crew needs you. I need you." you heard. You regained consciousness enough to say "I'm not going anywhere." The ship jerked again, and Bones tripped, falling into the wall and to his knees. You were held tightly in his arms, and you woke up enough to see and move around. You looked up at his face, and he was smiling like a moron, and had tears in his eyes and running down his face. You took his face in your hands, looked into his eyes, smiled, and repeated "I'm not going anywhere."

You arrived at Medbay just in time to treat all of the injured crewmen. But Bones put you down in a swivel chair and said "Stay." You, being you, didn't listen, and started to scoot around treating the injured. You managed to treat 26 crew members before someone stepped on you foot, and you screamed at the top of your lungs. Bones ran over, bent down to your level, and said "What happened?" Through gritted teeth, you said "Foot. Stepped on. Pain."

"Oh." he said. Is that all he had to say? "Go treat the patients." you said between labored breathes. "And if you fight me on this, I will do it myself." He thought for a moment before saying"OK. But one thing first." And with that, he picked you up, put you in a biobed, and strapped you down. You tried to sit up, but you couldn't. "Leonard McCoy! Get back here and let me go!" You went on like this for a good 2 minutes before he came back.

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