Chapter 9

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You stayed out of the way until Bones was done taking care of Captain Pike. You felt like you should be doing more, not being a bystander. But you always felt like that. No matter who it was.

When Bones was done taking care of him, he was filling out paperwork. You hobbled over to his desk and he looked up when you came over. He looked surprised and asked "Why are you still on your feet? How? Why are you here? What?" He looked like his nerves were fried. "Bones. Go lay down. I'll finish up here." you told him. "But..." he protested, but you cut him off with a look. You took the pen out of his hand, walked him out of Medbay and to his room, and made sure he stayed there.

You went back to Medbay to finish the paperwork. About 10 minutes later, you were walking back to Bones's room to check on him. His door was unlocked and you found him on his PADD. He was typing a medical report. You stood in the door until he looked up. He had a guilty look on his face and put the PADD down. You hobbled over to him, took his hand, and led him out of the room. "Where are we going? he asked. You had a sly grin on your face and said "Somewhere where you won't do work."

You lead him up to the observation deck where you found two cots setup side by side. You had asked Christine Chapel to get them up here. You said it was a matter of a crewman's sanity. And technically speaking, it is. Bones's sanity.

You lead him over to one and pushed him down on it. You hobbled over to the other one and laid down. You looked over at him, and he was dumbstruck. He didn't know what to make of it. You were in warp, but you could still see the stars. "Lay down." you said, and he did.

After a couple of minutes in silence, he said "This is.... incredible." You looked over at him, and he was beaming. Like a child on Christmas morning. It made you happier than every before. You forget about the worries, the problems, the damage. At this moment, everything was right in the world.

You smiled back at him, and took his hand in yours. Steadiest hands on the ship. That's what you always heard about him. You would trust him if you had to go under. You never doubted him for a second. While you were looking at the stars, Bones looked over at you and said "I have to tell you something. And I can't think of a better time than now." You tore your eyes away from the stars above to look at him. He looked concerned, and you asked "What is it?" He sat up, took both of your hands in both in his, and said "When I was wrapping your foot and walked out, more results from the x-rays came back. You're going to need surgery to reset the bone, get a metal plate put in, and 3 to 5 pins in the most serious fracture."

Everything was numb. You couldn't believe what you were hearing. You looked back up at the stars and asked "Who is going to perform the surgery?" you asked him. "I was going to." he said. He quickly added "But if you don't want me to, I understand." You looked over and found him sitting with his hands in his lap, staring down at them. Like they couldn't do anything.

You sat up, reached over, took his hands, and said "I wouldn't have anyone else do it." He looked up and smiled at you. Then he did the unexpected. He leaned over and placed a kiss on your lips.

It was just like the first one. Unexpected, and over all too soon. He pulled away, and you reached around his neck and pulled him back. He didn't try to stop you. When you kissed him, something in your chest warmed up and made your heart sing.

You were the one to pull away. You had a weird feeling someone was watching you. You looked over his shoulder, and saw James Kirk standing in the door way, snickering. You ducked behind Bones and pointed towards the door. He looked, turned back around, and his face was beet red. Then he got up and ran after James shouting "James Tiberius Kirk, I'm gonna kick your butt!" You laughed and hobbled to the door. You watched them go down the hall and disappear around the corner.

Bones reappeared a couple seconds later and stopped a few inches from you. Then he scooped you into his arms bridal style and walked to Medbay. He then put you in a wheelchair and pushed you to a shuttle. You panicked and asked "Where are we going?" "We heading back down to Earth. You are in no condition to beam anywhere. Besides, you will be traveling in the same shuttle as Captain Pike. You can say hi." he said, with an obvious smile on his face.

When you got to the shuttle, Captain Pike was already there. He was in a wheelchair and was looking better than he had been. You were placed across from him and strapped in. "Hello. I'm Captain Pike. And you are?" he said. You extended your hand and said "Y/F/N Y/L/N." He took your hand and shook it. You thought for a minute, and you must have had a look on your face because Captain Pike asked "Are you OK?" You were jerked out of your thought and said "Um, yeah. Fine. I was just thinking. I knew someone with the last name Pike. They were our neighbors before they moved." Something in his eyes lit up and he said "Wait, your last name is Y/L/N. Right?" "Yes. Why?" you asked. "Because I remember you." he said. "You do?" you asked.

Then the shuttle jerked and you took off. Your conversation was interrupted by Bones coming back and adjusting just about everything. He gave you pain killers and gave Captain Pike pain killers, antibiotics, and fluid. "Dr. McCoy." you said. "Please come have a seat." He didn't at first, but you stared him down and he gave up. You knew where everything was, so you unbuckled, got everything you needed, and sat back down. You checked on his cut and cleaned it again.

When you landed, he took both you and the Captain to Medbay. You were taken to a room where you left alone for about 5 minutes. Bones came in after you with paper work to fill out. "You know, I can do that. Right?" you told him. He looked up at you and said "Too late. Already done." He gave you his signature grin that made you get butterflies in your stomach.

"OK. Can I leave now?" you asked him. "Yes, you can. But your staying in my room until you are completely healed." You looked at him and asked "Why?" "Because I need to keep an eye on you." he explained. "But I need to go to classes. And do other stuff." you shot back. He gave you a look that broke any will you had to fight him.

"OK. But on one condition." you said. He raised an eyebrow and asked "And what would that be?" You smiled and said "We go out to dinner once a week. Together. We have a lot to catch up on, you know." A grin spread across his face and he said "Deal."

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