Chapter 14

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He picked you up and spun you around. "Where did you find it?" he asked as he set you down. "I was looking when you were sleeping. I left as soon as I found it." He took your face between both of his hands and he kissed you. When he pulled away he pulled you into an embrace that made you feel like the most important person in the world. You hugged him back and you both stood there in silence.

The perfect moment was broken by the ringing of your communicator. You sighed, pulled away, and answered it. "Lt. Y/L/N." "Lt. Y/L/N," the clear female's voice said. "You have received a message from your parents. They want to you to come home for the weekend. They say it is very important that you arrive by tomorrow. It will take only a few hours and you can return to your normal activities afterwords." You stopped for a second before saying "Thank you. Lt. Y/L/N signing off."

You closes the communicator and sat down on the couch, putting your head in your hands. Bones kneeled down in front of you and took your hands. As he rubbed his thumbs in a circular pattern on the backs of your hands, he asked "What was that all about? Did something happen?" When you didn't answer, he got up, dropped your hands, and went over and picked up his car keys. He came back over and grabbed your hand, leading you out to his 4 door blue truck. You noticed it was the same blue as his Star Fleet uniform. He opened the door for you and you got in and buckled and Bones got in, buckled, and turned the engine over. It roared to life and you were off, heading who knows where. But you were with Bones, and he was in the lead, so everything would be okay.


*Time skip brought to you by 'James T. Kirk, captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise.'*

You arrived at a Wal-mart about 15 minutes after leaving. You both go inside and Bones went around picking up about 7 extremely fuzzy blankets, 4 pillows, random snacks, and an electrical camping lantern. You help carry the stuff to the cashier, where the cashier gives you a look that kind of says 'Why?' You shrug your shoulders and help him bag everything.

Once you were out of the store, Bones threw everything in the bed of the truck and you were on the road again. It was getting dark and the sun was just peaking out from behind the tree line. The sky was orange, red, and yellow. You were on a dirt road and eventually turned off, driving through a field. Once you were out in the middle of the field, Bones stopped the truck, turned it off, and got out. You were curious, so you got out and went to the back where Bones was setting something up.

He made a nest out of the blankets and jumped down from where he was standing on the tailgate. He walked back to the cab and turned the power on. He started to blast the music, but at a reasonable level. He opened the window in the back so you could hear what was on. Bones came back around to the back, hopped up onto the tailgate, and gave you a hand up. He sat down in the nest and you sat down next to him. He grabbed a blanket and threw it over the both of you.

Your head was on his chest and his arm was around you. You were looking up at the sky and all the stars. It was a clear night, the clearest you had seen in a long time. "Are you going to tell me what happened earlier?" he asked. You sighed and told him everything that had happened with your family over the last 3 years. He only nodded. When you finally finished, he held you closer. After a moment of silence, he asked "Can I come with you?" You were thrown off guard and said "Um... Yeah, sure. If you want. But you don't have to." He kissed the top of your head and said "Of course I want to. It was my idea." You reached up and kissed him. He moved so instead of kissing his cheek, you kissed his lips. You pulled away in surprise. He had a devilish grin on his face, and you could feel a grin cracking on your face too. You reached back up and started kissing him, on the lips this time. His hand moved up and down your back while yours rested on his chest. His other hand moved to your thigh and pulled your leg up onto his. You rolled so you were on top of him, straddling his hips between your legs. His hands moved to your waist, then your hips. One hand stayed there, the other slipped under your shirt and ran up the length of your back.

A bright light was shone behind you. You jumped off him and looked straight into the blinding light.... Of a police cruiser. 'Oh, great.' you thought and groaned inwardly. 'What'd you do during your break?' everyone would ask and you would say 'I got arrested.' The officer turned off the light and walked towards you with his flashlight in hand. He was about 50 with a thick mustache and obviously dyed hair. "What do you two think you're doing? I get a call at 8 at night saying a truck turned off the road and started driving through a field!" the officer bellowed at you two. You could feel your face turn red and you turned towards Bones, who's face was redder than yours. "My girlfriend had a bad day, so I brought her out here. We are on break from the USS Enterprise, and the stars are always prettier when you know you are less likely to die. And a green-blooded hobgoblin isn't telling you how constellations got their names or why stars blow up." Bones spoke up.

You stifled a hysterical laugh as the officer looked from him to you and back to him. The officer ran his fingers through his thinning hair and said "Ummm.... Okay, just... Yep, yeah." He turned around and headed back to his car. "Have a good night, officer." you said as he walked away. "You too, kids. Just, be safe, okay?" "Yes sir, we will." Bones said.

You relaxed again and put your head back on Bones' chest. "Well, that's a way to kill the mood, huh?" you asked him. "Yep. Perfectly executed murder. 2nd degree, for sure." he said. You giggled and snuggled closer to him. "What time is it?" you asked looking back up at the sky. "Um, 8:30." he said. You sighed and said "I know you don't want to hear this, but we should be heading back. We have to get up early tomorrow to get the tickets." "Ahhhhhh. Fine." he whined. You kissed him as he sat up and said "Don't be such a baby. We still have over a week and a half to do stuff like this." He moved back down to give you a long kiss on the lips.

Bones helped you up out of the nest and out of the back of the truck. He closed the tailgate and you both got in the cab. He started the engine and made a u-turn that made your stomach do flips. As he make the u-turn, he laughed like a child on an amusement park ride; you gripped whatever you could and tried not to scream.

After the terrifying drive through the field, you finally made it back onto the road and you breathed a sigh of relief. "Never again, Leonard McCoy. Never again." you said between labored breaths. He looked over at you and flashed a grin that made you melt. You couldn't stay mad at him. You leaned over, took his left cheek, and started kissing his right cheek. He turned his head so you were kissing his lips instead, until he said "As much as I love this, and trust me, I do, please do not distract the driver." You giggled and settled for putting your head on his shoulder. You stayed like that for the rest of the way back to the house.

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