Chapter 11

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Bones saw you. He looked shocked to see you there. He led the woman over to another table, walked over to you, and sat down. You waited for him to explain. He finally spoke up and asked "How did you get here? And where's your wheelchair?" "Kirk, Spock, and Uhura 'kidnapped' me and left me here. I was waiting for someone I know to help me." you explained. He looked over at the woman and asked you "Why didn't you call me?" "They took my communicator." you said. "Join us. Please." he requested with a pleading voice. You raised an eyebrow and asked "Who is 'us'?" He paused, then said "Me and my ex wife. Please. I need someone there with me. I haven't seen her in years." You thought for a second before saying "OK. I'll come. You just have to help me over there." "Great." he said, and a small smile crossed his face. As you walked over with Bones's help, you started to think. You hadn't seen him in years either. You cut him out of your life, and with no good reason.

"Jocelyn, this is Y/F/N Y/L/N. Y/F/N, this is my ex wife Jocelyn." Bones introduces you to each other. You talk for half an hour, trying to get her to drop the house from the divorce papers. She refuses. She eventually leaves without resolving anything, but makes Bones more angry than before. You buy him dinner and eat in silence.

He calls Kirk and tells him to bring your wheelchair back to the café so you can get back. He never shows up so you end up leaning on him the whole way back to his apartment. Halfway there he resolves to picking you up and carrying you there. You sensed he didn't want to talk, so the whole way back was awkwardly silent.

When he set you down on the couch he started to walk away, but you grabbed his hand. You stood up and took his cheek in your free hand. You looked into his eyes, but he wouldn't meet yours. A tear slipped from his eye and you wiped it away with your thumb. "I'm sorry." you whispered. His expression hardened, and he said "It's not over yet." He pulled away and walked to his room.

You sat back down and called to him "What are you doing?" What proceeded was a series of bangs and several curse words strung together. You got up and hobbled over to the door where you saw Bones, on the ground, buried under piles of clothes and other various items. You walked over to the piles of random clothes and picked up a pair of red lacy panties. You stifled a smile and said "These aren't mine." His face turned red as he sank further down into the sea of Starfleet issued uniforms, t shirts, and worn jeans.

Then you lost it. Your laughter was maniacal. You had to sit down to keep from falling. You ended up on the floor, on your back, clutching your sides. You heard Bones laughing too. "OK." You eventually said after catching your breath. "Where are you going?" "Back to my hometown in Georgia." he responded. "Why?" you asked him. He sighed and said "The house Jocelyn wants. Its back there on a farm. I'm going back to try and find the deed to claim it as mine."

You were both sitting on the bed and staring at the wall across from you. "You're not going without me." you blurted out. Bones looked over at you and said "Name one reason I should let you come." You thought for a moment before saying "Two pairs of eyes are better than one. And I've never been to Georgia before." He scrunched his nose and shrugged his shoulders, replying with "Can't argue with that." He promptly got up and left the room. You watched his figure disappear before asking "Really? That was easier than I thought." He stuck his head in and said "Yep, but you have to get clearance from your doctor, and I say no. Not a chance." Your mouth dropped open and you yelled "Leonard McCoy! Give me clearance to travel or I swear it won't be pretty!"

He leaned in the door frame and said "Nope." popping the "p." You stood up, walked over to him, and asked "Do you want to go there? Do you really want to go there? Because I will go there, and you will not come back." He chuckled and said "If you want to go make an appointment for tomorrow, and I will look at your foot. If everything is OK, I'll give you clearance. If even one little thing is wrong, the answer is no; a thousand times no." You decided to make that appointment right now. You grabbed your wheelchair, rolled it over to the door, grabbed your coat and put it on. Then you walked back over to him. And kissed him.

You pulled away after a couple of seconds. He was shocked. You grinned and walked to your wheelchair. As you wheeled out, he didn't move at all. You laughed and called to ask Kirk to take you to Medbay.

You went to Medbay with Kirk at the wheel. Not literally, but he had control of the wheelchair. When you were halfway there, he spoke up and said "Y/F/N, can I ask you something?" You turned around to look at him and said "Sure. Anything." Kirk cleared his throat and asked "How do you feel about participating in a five-year mission with the Enterprise crew? I know a mission of this length has never been attempted or even brought up, but I wanted ask you before your name ended up on the list for it."

You arrived at Medbay right when he was done speaking. As the nurses started to take care of you, you stopped the male nurse who was starting to wheel you away. "Jim." you called. "I would be honored." Kirk smiled and literally ran out of Medbay. You then let him care of you.

You made an appointment for tomorrow at 9, the same time Bones had to be in. For some odd reason, they were going to keep you overnight. They then told you that your cast was going to be removed. It was only 4, so the doctor on duty was still in. He removed it and said everything was looking great and you could walk on it (you already were; you didn't tell him that), but you would need to wear a brace. You called Bones on his communicator, but he didn't answer. You then called Kirk, Uhura, and Spock, but they had no idea where Bones was.

It was about 6 when a nurse came in and said you could leave. He gave you crutches just in case the pain got too great, and a slip of paper with your appointment date on it. "But I made an appointment for tomorrow, not next month." you said. "I'm sorry but Dr. McCoy won't be here for about 2 weeks. He has a family issue he must take care of." Your felt your stomach drop. You knew something was wrong. You ran out of Medbay, only noticing the intense red sun setting over the treetops. You tried to call Bones again; no answer.

You got back to his room and knocked on the door. No answer, no movement. You used your key to open the door. All the lights were off except for the fading sunlight streaming through the window; his suitcase and clothes were gone; his medical kit and papers for work were gone. So was his communicator and PADD.

You sat down on the floor and started to sob when you realized what he had done.

He left you.

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