Chapter Ten:

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Every single day, of my life seems to start great! But then end horribly...

Anyways, not going to bore you with my problems, let's get onto the story!


"I like you, Zach. I really like you. I like you way more than just a friend."


Kaelyn's Point Of View;

I just sat there, awkwardly swinging, waiting for him to say something.

"Y-you like me." He stuttered. I stopped myself from swinging, mostly because I was getting dizzy.

"Yeah." I answered, while blushing. "Is that a bad thing?" I added, confused.

"No. It's good actually." He said blushing.

"Do you want to, go on a date with me?" He asked, Biting his lip.

My knees went weak. It was a good thing I was sitting down.

"Y-yeah." I stuttered.

Just don't do that lip bite again, I thought to myself.

Of course, Zach being Zach, he did the lip bite again. Doesn't he know that my weakness!


"So..." I repeated him.

*beep, beep*

My notifications went off.

Rolling my eyes, I go up to take my phone out of my back pocket, then I sat down on the swing again.

Bruhitszach just mentioned you in his new tweet.

I stared at him, before looking at his new tweet.

@bruhitszach: Bæ likes me back... 🙈

I laughed before favoriting the tweet.

I quote retweeted it, saying...

@yasimkaelyn: Who's bae? @bruhitszach

Smiling, I saw his notification go off. A while later, my phone beeped again and Zach replied to my quote retweeted...

@bruhitszach: Bæ is you @yasimkaelyn

I blushed, seeing tons of the fam reply to him.

@summerzqueen: I told you Zaelyn was real, #goals.

@frantastic2109: Awe

@sassystacy: Ew Zaelyn is so not going to last.

I ignored the last comment. Hate is hate. Yes, it hurts to get hate. But, they are so many other people in the world that loves me. So, I shouldn't really care about what those people think of me.

I locked my phone, before turning back to Zach.

"I'm Bæ?" I laughed, he blushed, nodding his beautiful head of his.

"Yes, you're Bæ you will always be Bæ."

This time I blushed.

"So, it's a date then?" He asked, I looked at his strangely.

"What the fuck are you talking about?"

He laughed before responding,

"Right now. Isn't what people do on a date. Talk, hang out, 'Ya know.."

Bitting my lip, I thought for a second.

"Yeah... So, this is a date?"

I was so confused.

"If you want it to be."

I blushed.

Going on a date with him could ruin our friendship. But, sometimes you just got to take a risk in life. And this was one of those risks.

"Okay." I smiled, looking down at my nails. I brought my right hand up to my face, to bite my nails. Biting my nails, was one of my habits.

Zach laughed, before taking my right hand in his.

"Don't bite your nails." He spoke. I laughed.

"So it's a date?" I continued. He nodded.

I then got off of the swing.

"Come on." I laughed, trying to pull Zach off.

"Dates are suppose to be fun." I laughed.

"Wanna play soccer?" Zach asked. He had this cute hopeful look in his green/blue eyes.

(A/n are his eyes hazel or...? Comment what they really are 😂😂 btw I'm not a fake fan!)

"Sure." I laughed. He smiled before kissing my lightly on the cheek. I blushed harder.

I quickly looked, away. I didn't want him to know he had the power to make thee Kaelyn Lynch blush. Plus, I probably looked ugly.

"Stop hiding" he pouted, I smiled, turning back to face him.

"Why?" I bit my lip as I questioned him.

"Because you're cute when you blush." He smiles, looking into my eyes.

"Yeah. Sure." I laughed.

"You are though."

"Zach shut up." I laughed as he continuously saying I was beautiful, amazing, cute, etc.

"Fine." He pouted. I laughed.

"You're so cute." I blurted out.

"You are too." Zach told me, staring into my eyes. I stared back, into his. I tried to ignore the butterflies in my stomach. But they were to many.

"Hey Kaelyn?" Zach mumbled, I nodded, slowly drifting my eye to his lips, since he was doing the same to me.

"Can I kiss you?"

I smiled, nodding.


Then, that's when it happened. I had my first official kiss with Zachary Reed Clayton.

It was short, but passionate. It was truly the most amazing feeling ever.

Like, eating candy for the first time. Sweet, but addicting at the same time.



This chapter made me hungry. I really want candy, now.


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