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"Minx! How have you been?! I can't believe we're meeting up!" Eva smiled brightly, giving me a hug.

"Hello! Oh my God! I'm great, how are you?" I said excitedly, giving Eva a hug, "I can't believe you're living in Los Angeles!"

"Yeah, I moved out here last year," Eva smiled as we sat down at the restaurant's table.

"So cool, what have you been doing out here?"

"At first, I was working in an office at a fashion retail headquarters, but now I have worked up to be a Buyer for the brand, so I get to travel a lot, but L.A. is my main hub at the moment," She explained.

"Wow! That's awesome!"

"Yeah, how have you been? I don't think we've seen each other since secondary school. Oh my God, are you engaged? To Damon?" Eva asked, looking at my ring.

"Damon?! Oh no!" I laughed, "We broke it off after a few months, or so."

"Wait, so who are you engaged to?" Eva smiled, raising her eyebrows.

"His name is Joe," I smiled.

"Do you have a picture?" Eva asked as she sipped on her water.

I nodded, pulling out my phone and finding a picture of Joe. I showed her one I had found online from his YouTube videos. I then showed her one of us together.

"How do I recognise him? Did he go to school with us?"

"Um, no. But he does YouTube?" I shrugged, "Joe Sugg. ThatcherJoe."

"Wait, isn't he Zoella's brother?!"


"Oh my God! How the h.ell did you meet him? Is Zoella as sweet in person? I love her videos!"

"We met at James, my step-dad's, business. And yeah, Zoe is so sweet, I love her!" I laughed.

"How long have you two been together?! Sorry I'm asking so many questions," Eva laughed.

"Don't worry about it. And just about five months?" I questioned a bit.

"Oh wow," Eva nodded.

"Yeah, we got engaged quick, but we're not planning the wedding for a while. Did you and Jack break things off?"

"Unfortunately yes, but we still talk and we're pretty close, so I kind of feel like we may get back together, but it's kind of hard because of the distance."

"That's understandable. Do you two talk a lot?"

"Yeah, pretty much everyday. It would be kinda weird if we didn't talk for a whole day," Eva giggled.

"Cute," I smiled, as the waitress came over and took our order.

We ordered and chatted a bit more while waiting for our food. Upon its arrival, we were both so hungry we ate in silence.

"That was so good!" I exclaimed.

"I know! I love this place!" Eva grinned.

We talked a bit more before we decided to keep more in touch and then left. I went back to the hotel and met up with Joe again.

"Did you have a nice time?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, she thought I was engaged to Damon," I laughed.

"You're mine," Joe said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.

"Mhm," I nodded, smiling, "Oh, and she recognised you because she watches Zoe's videos, but at first she didn't know how she recognised you."

"Funny," Joe let out a light chuckle.

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