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Dean stood next to cas as he looked at the books in the library. cas went to grab a book when a button popped off." shoot!" cas whispered yelled and grabbed the button off the floor. dean laughed." dont laugh at me." cas said looking at him when he got off the floor." you can just sew it back right?" dean shrugged." i dont know how to do that dumbass." cas frowned. dean began to laugh harder." i finally found something that you cant do. mission accomplished." dean said. ' dean like you remember that' he thought. " is there any other missions about me that i dont know?" cas asked as he stood on his tippy toes reaching for a book, purposely making his hip bone show. dean began to blush and cas smirked. he walked over to the checkout table to checkout the book. when he walked back dean was still blushing." dean? cas laughed. dean regained his focus and looked at cas."yeah?"he said." are you staring something?" cas raised an eyebrow." yea the french, dictionary," dean cringed as he picked up the book. cas chuckled." come on" cas said dragging him by his hand. when he got into the hallway and realized he was holding deans hand he blushed and let go. the final bell rang and they walked to deans locker. " cas i was wondering if you wanted to go see a movie with me tomorrow?" dean scratch the the back of his neck. cas smiled." id loved to." cas said as he took a pen out and wrote his number on his arm." call me later, i need to get my trenchcoat from charlie and my tie." cas said before he walked towards Charlie's locker. when he got there he was smiling like a dork." here's your things. why are you smiling like that?" she asked handing him his things. cas told her the whole story as they began to walk to cas's house

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