Chapter 1

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        The dull morning light peeked through the slightly opened window. A cool, soft wind blew through it, easing the old man from his slumber. First night in weeks where he had actually gotten more than 3 hours of sleep. He yawned tiredly, stretching a bit before leaving his bed. It was Richard's day off. He usually has nothing to do but stare blankly at a wall, but today he thought he'd pay a certain friend a visit. It was 12 pm when he left the house.

        A thin blanket of snow was on the ground, allowing him to walk instead of driving. Charles didn't live too far, only a couple blocks down. He took his time, walking rather slowly. He was still tired, but he hadn't seen Charles in a couple days. Could say he was obsessed, but Charles was the only person he had left in his life. Richard sighed, slowly making his way up to the other man's door step. One ring of the door bell and the door opened.

      "Mornin' Chuck," Richard greeted him. Charles nodded before quietly responding. He moved aside, letting Richard inside. After just a couple steps, he noticed the other figure inside Charles' home. His skin was a fine shade of purple, hair was in a low pony tail. It immediately caught his attention. He stood out, that was for sure. Richard stared at the other person for a moment before greeting him as well with the intention of being polite.
    "Good morning Richard~," the man cooed back. Taken aback from the seductiveness of his voice, he was more shocked from how he knew his name. " do yo-"
         "I work with you! It's me, Vincent. Don't you remember?" The purple male questioned.
Oh, Richard thought. Him...
         Vincent was the kind of guy who picks and chooses friends, or who to like. Richard was someone he was practically obsessed with. He would try to follow him around, copy his movements, little childish things like that. Richard was barely aware of his existence. But he had to admit, he was a bit on the friendly side judging from this first proper introduction. "Oh yeah, Vincent," He said plainly, not realizing how unenthusiastic he sounded. Vincent didn't care though, just getting to talk to the older man made him glad. Charles brought Richard a glass of water. He thanked him and sat down, puzzled as to why Vincent was here.

         "So uh, Charles. Got any plans?" Richard asked, referring to Christmas. Vincent turned his attention to Charles, waiting for a response as well. "No, but I am expecting a visit from the kids..." he replied.
Vincent stood and went to grab something from his coat pocket. "Oh, that's lovely. I thought maybe afterward you could stop by. I could bake us something. You know, like last year. I got a new recipe," Richard said cheerily. Vincent came back and sat down, a small, neatly wrapped box in hand. Tapping Richard on the shoulder gently, he grinned widely.
       "Huh?" Richard turned. Vincent gave him the gift.
       "I intended on giving this to you later, but uh, It's nothing big. I hope you enjoy it," the shorter male said, happy to gift him something. Richard took the gift, thanking him and giving a small smile in return. Vincent stood once again, putting his coat on this time.
       "Well, I'll be on my way. Thank you Charles, see you fellas later," he grinned before leaving. Richard waved and watched then turned back to Charles.
       "What was he doing here?" he finally asked.
       "Oh, he was just here to ask me some questions about work. He's still a bit new to the job so I just helped him out," Charles responded. Rich gave a small nod. Christmas wasn't something he worried too much about.

      Not like he had anyone to be with anyway.

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