Chapter 4

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(Eggplant's p.o.v.)

I opened the box and stared at it confused. There was just a tiny, neatly folded, piece of paper. I took it out the box and unfolded it. "Hmm....," I raised an eyebrow. It was a phone number, possibly Vincent's.

I lightly blushed at the thought of him giving me his number like this. I then looked at the time, 6:47 am. "He's probably still awake, I could call him now....," I thought aloud, "Nah....I should call tomorrow..," I shrugged and walked into my bedroom. Kitty followed.

"I seriously need some rest," I pulled off my shirt and fell onto my bed. It felt comfier than usual. I blinked then slowly shut my eyes, soon falling asleep in a very weird position.

(No one's p.o.v.)

Vince was already in bed, sound asleep. Dreaming of some weird shit. Richard was dreaming that he was being chased by a giant ass, but hey! We all have messed up dreams once in a while.....or all the time.

The sun shone in Richard's face. He groaned in annoyance and turned over. Kitty jumped onto him and pawed his face. He snickered and shoved the covers off him, getting out of bed. Before he left the room, he decided to give Vince a call.

Richard reached over for the piece of paper with his number. He dialed and put the phone up to his ear.

(Grape's p.o.v.)

My phone began to ring, instantly waking me up. I looked over my phone, and saw an unknown number. I have a feeling that it's Richard. I held the phone up to my head, with my other arm holding me up on the bed.
I asked with my tired, raspy voice. "Hey, Vincent, It's Richard. I hope I didn't wake you up," he said over the phone. I smirked slightly, "In fact, yes, you did wake me up. But don't worry about it."
"Oh sorry."
"Mhm....I see that you opened my present~."
"I gave you my number for a reason, I was wondering if you'd like to have brunch with me at the café...."
"Hmm.....sure. Why not. What time?"
"12:00 pm."
Richard quickly looked at the time. It was 10:15 am.
"Alright. See ya."
We both hung up.

(Eggplant's p.o.v.)
I placed my phone down on the dresser beside my bed. I was actually looking forward into going out with him. Weird....
Kitty meowed, probably trying to tell me to pay attention and get ready. "Hmmmmmmmmmm..."
I looked inside my closet, bleh.
Nothing good to wear. Then I spotted it. My favorite shirt, I waddled over and pushed the other clothes aside as I reached for the shirt. It was a white button-up shirt, I haven't worn this in a while.

I laid the shirt out on my bed then dug through my draws for pants. I was interrupted by a knock at the door...

Walking over to the door, I remembered that I owed Charles money. It must be him. I cracked the door open, "May I help you?"
The people pushed me aside and walked inside.

"I said may I help you?!"
I growled softly. She whipped around and glared at me. "You know what I want...."
"No, I don't. Get out."
"Not until I get what I came here for,"
She said in a bitchy tone, "now, where is it?"
"You're not taking Kitty, she's fine with me," I smirked slightly. She glared once again, "No, I want her back!"
"Violet, you said you couldn't afford to take care of her so you gave her to me," I looked beside me to see Kitty.
I gazed back up at Violet who was rummaging through my fridge.

"Can you not?" I said aggravated while looking at the time, 11:36 am...
"You're going to have to leave, I have somewhere to be."
She smirked, "Oh? And where are you going?"
"None of your business," I glared.

She pouted and rolled her eyes. "Fine, I'll go, but I'll be back."
I nodded slowly as she walked out the door. I closed it then hurried to put my clothes on.

(Grape's p.o.v.)
I stared into the mirror in front of me. I need to comb my's too...messy.

I picked up the comb beside me and pulled it through my hair. Ehhhhhh.
I'm not dressed up all fancy or anything, I mean, it's not like I'm going out on a date......and plus, Richard wouldn't care, right?
I plopped a mint in my mouth. What? You never know what'll happen...

(Third person p.o.v.)

Vince took one last good look in the mirror and headed out the door while Richard waited until 12:00 pm to leave.

Vincent arrived earlier just so he could pick a table and make sure everything was alright. He waited for Richard, tapping his fingers on the table. The café wasn't too loud, in fact, it was a perfect. Vincent listened to the soothing muttering of the people.

Richard opened the café's door and looked around, only to spot Vince after a brief search. He walked over to the table and sat down across from Vince.
"Sorry if I'm late," Rich spoke quietly.
"It's okay, you're not," Vincent responded. They both looked at the small menu in the middle of the table.

"So...," Richard started, "is there something you'd like to talk about?"
   "Huh?" Vincent looked up at him.
   "....Nevermind," Richard looked away. He stared out the window. Vincent thought of something to say....
   "Are in a relationship of some sort?" He asked suddenly. Richard quicky looked towards him, a bit shocked,
   "No....I'm not."
   "Me neither," Vince smiled. He leaned over the table a little as Richard cocked his head back,
     " Ya' know....," Vince whispered,  
     "I'm not straight~."
Richard narrowed his eyes, "Okay," he stood, "I'm done here." He pushed in his chair and began to walk to the door.

Wait! .....Richard?

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