Chapter 2

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Richard's p.o.v.

      "Heh, small box. Wonder what's inside..," I muttered to myself sarcastically on the walk home. Yeah, I accepted his gift, I saw no reason not to. I suppose he's an acquaintance of some kind to me, as unpleasant as he can seem at times. Can't believe I practically forgot who he was. Guess it slipped my mind.

Third person p.o.v

      The walk home took just as long as it took the way to Charles's place. Did it bother the man? Nope. Got his "exercise" and got to visit his "friend". The chilly air hit his bald head comfortably and soon he was back to the warmth of his home. After sitting the small gift next to the Christmas tree that he had decorated himself, he then made himself a cup of coffee and sat down. It was what he found relaxing. Few days were left until the holiday most enjoyed and celebrated by people; Christmas. Who could hate such an innocent holiday?

      Vincent was enjoying himself as well, spending time with Scott and causing mischief. The usual for the overgrown grape. It had been awhile since Vincent had claimed the life of another person. It's almost as if he completely changed, his perverted personality still there of course. Oh he couldn't wait until Richard opened his present. He just wish he would accept it instead of becoming angry or throwing it out. A couple more days to go though. Nothing to worry about. Mike had even gotten into the Christmas spirit, despite him being atheist. He put up one of those miniature trees, mostly because Katie urged him to. His roommate could be a handful at times.

      Jeremy and his girlfriend were doing just as well. The both of them bonding together. A very healthy relationship with them. Richard, on the other hand was not someone who crafted healthy relationships. His methods for satisfaction were anything but healthy. But that's not something to talk about during this time of year. That was... the past....
      "You still manage to bring those trees into your home every year? Why don't you just get an artificial tree?" Charles asked. Richard shrugged, "I like the real ones. Reminds me of the old days, Chuck."

      The two of them sat down and ate the goods Richard had baked. "So uh," Charles began, "What did Vincent get you?"

      "Don't know. I didn't open it yet. The box is small so it must not be anything big," he responded. Charles nodded, his mouth full. After a few hours, Charles had gone home, leaving Richard back to his privacy. It was his shift tonight so he decided to get in couple hours of sleep.

      "Night, Charles!" Vincent called out as Charles went to leave the building. Just as he walked out the front doors Richard walked up to him. "Huh? You're leaving? Thought you were working tonight..," Richard said quietly. Charles simply shook his head. "No, you're sharing your shift with Vince tonight."

      Out peeked Vincent from the front doors.
"Oh, well there you are. Ready, partner?"

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