Crazy About Love

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*A/N: SO THAT WAS PRETTY FEISTY! :D Anyways, hellooooo!(: I don't really know what chapter this is but almost 100 reads! Woah! (That's a lot for me!) Thank you so so so much! And shout out to my girl, Molly, who keeps asking when the chapters will be up! Haha!(: Keep reading and stay in school kids! SHARE, COMMENT, VOTE, SUGGEST PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Thank youuuuuuuuuuu!(:*


   I stomp out of the green room and close the door behind me. Swiftly, I run into the janitor's closet and cry. I don't want their whole band breaking up because of my stupid decisions. I'm just a kid and I shouldn't be the reason for all of their family drama. It's so dumb how I could ever say yes to Ross when I know I'm in love with Riker. Was it to make him jealous? 

   Around what seems to be midnight, someone wakes me up. They find me with my head leaning against the filthy wall and holding a disgusting mop with my hands. My brown hair is frizzed out to the sides and my jeans and tee are full of downright shit! I look up to see Ryland hovering above me. His brown eyes are shining down at me with a full-on smile plastered against his face.

   "Little conflict, huh," he chuckles to himself, pulling the mop away from my grip.

   "Stop. They were yelling and I'm sorry. So sorry," I sigh, sitting up while trying to stay awake even though I just took about a two hour nap.

   "Well Ross feels like shit and is in the tour bus bathroom, not comin' out. Riker is in the green room on Twitter probably ranting or talking to fans."

   "Ugh. I swear I just wanted to open for my favorite band," I grunt, standing up. "I'm gonna go get a shower."

   Ryland looks at me with pleading eyes. "Don't go in the tour bus."


  "Ross is crazy when he loves someone. I mean it. B-But... nevermind," Ryland says, almost dismissing me.

   "What is it," I ask, turning back towards him.

   Our bodies are so close together. Both of our noses are almost touching, but it feels like our lips are miles apart. He shakes his head, brownish blond hair swaying back and forth with each movement.

   "Just tell me Ry."

   "Urrr. Well, when I like someone, I tend to be more gentle than Ross. I'm not all crazy. If I like a girl then I'm not gonna tell her, but I do kinda show her with little actions like giving her tips and just silly things that other guys wouldn't do," he says, looking straight into my eyes. I give him a little sympathetic side smile.

   "Oh," is all I say before leaving.


   Instead of going on the tour bus to go see my "date," I go over to the green room with Riker. He's curled up in all ball with his red concert attire still on and a blanket over him, while holding his phone. I stand in the doorway for about ten minutes before he looks up and notices me. There's not really any form of expression on his face.

   "Hey," I smile, standing straight up, not propping myself up against anything even though my legs feel like Jello. "What was that all about?"

   "I think it's pretty obvious," he chuckles lightly, sending a better message towards my heart that this may actually turn out fine. "You." 

   "But I thought you didn't like me. You would barely ever pay attention to me," I sigh.

   "Come here," Riker demands, putting down his phone. I do as he says and he pulls me down on the couch with him, wrapping me in his arms. "I really like you, okay?''

   "I'm not convinced," I smile to myself, turning away. 

   "Will this convince you," he laughs, burying his head into the crook of my neck.

   I shrug, "Who knows?" 

   He turns my face towards him and his lips instantly meet mine. They're soft and salty from sweat, just as I honestly always imagined they would be. Riker pulls me on top so I'm straddling him and I bend down to keep the kiss alive. His hands stay on my back the whole time we're making out and I keep mine in his bleach blond hair. I need him and by the way he's kissing me, he seems desperate for my love too.

   It doesn't matter if Ross was in the doorway to the green room at this very moment or if Ryland is walking in to get some boxes to pack up the rest of the equipment. All I want is Riker and his lips. Nothing less, nothing more. Just us.

   But everything was gone at the same time. All the times I pictured kissing Riker sloppily just like now is gone. It's happening. It's now. All the moments where I would gossip about how he looked at me with Taylor on the phone after our concerts are gone too. Now I can talk about how he fought his own brother for me. For my love. 

   Eventually, our long kiss is broken by Rocky walking in on us. Well, I guess someone interrupting us does matter. We both turn our heads towards him.

   "Ummm... hi," Rocky laughs. "It's like 12:30. We're leaving around 1ish so you guys might wanna put on your clothes and help us pack up!"

   Riker and I lock eyes again then laugh. I push myself up so I'm hovering over him and bend my head down and kiss his nose silently. 

   "I love you," he whispers.

   "Our baby bro is hurt over this," Rocky informs us, grabbing his guitar and leaving.

   I look down at Riker and shrug. 

   "You should go talk to him," Riker suggests, lightly pushing me off him.

   "And say what," I ask rather loudly, holding my hoodie in my right arm and the neck of my guitar in my left.

   "Just talk. You'll know what to say," he smiles sadly, exiting the room after his brother.

  Actually.. I don't know what to say. I'm kinda at a loss of words. My usual loud self, with the occasion of being quiet, is actually silent at the moment. I'm suppose to know what to say and have the perfect comebacks all the times, but it's usually the opposite of that. I can't really think on my feet. That's why I'm terrible at rapping and writing my own songs. That's mostly why I'm always in trouble... because I don't really think before I speak.

   I sigh, and walk out into the hallway, where Ryland is standing, talking to Garron. Being the usual cheeky self Ryland is, he would wink or do that smirk when I walk by. Not now. He just continues talking to Garron like I'm not even passing by. He's not even checking me out either. Now I know he knows about Riker and I.

   About how we made out.

   About how I hurt Ross. 

   About how I hurt him.


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