Tonight With You

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*A/N: This chapter will sorta tie in with the summary and the whole climax and dumb shit like dat. :D AND I CAME ON HERE AND THIS STORY HAS OVER 1k READS?! THAT IS SO FREAKING AMAZING! THANK YOU x1000 I LOVE YA'LL SO MUCH! :D I'm making this one long chapter AND DRAMA FILLED BUT NOTE IT'S GON' GET INTENSE!! 7 Years had 2 chapters up as well! Sorry for all the waiting! :D THANK YOOOOOOOOOOU! BUT, BEFORE YOU START, PLAY ELTON JOHN'S SONG WHILE READING! :D*


I lay down on my bed and cry. Occasionally my mom comes up to ask, "Are you okay?" She tries to comfort me sometimes by saying, "It's only for the best."

I always reply, all moody, "No it's not."

For the first time in a couple of days, I decide to go on Twitter, always being aware that it's not the best website to boost my self esteem. I also know that there will certainly be death threats from the girl who tried to ruin Ryland and I's, now non-existent, relationship.

I check my mentions first and, like I predicted, their blowing up! Threats, videos, pictures, hate, and occasionally my fans are writing to me.

One R5er writes, "You're fat and ugly. Ryland doesn't deserve you. Kill urself. xx"

Another says, "go die. ur kiss meant nothing. ur worthless u whore."

Instead of going to my mirror and picking myself apart insult by insult, I whisper, "Do you want a slut? I'll show you a slut." I grab my camera and go outside, walking to Scurry Street, the neighborhood next to ours.


It's almost 7:00 when I reach his house, and I must admit, I am a little relieved to see his face. I go to the back of the house and climb up the tree that's right outside of his bedroom window and knock. He smiles and opens the window. I enter the room just like I have many other times before for the best drunken nights.

"What are ya doing here?" Michael asks, grabbing my arm gently to pull me into a hug.

"I wanted to visit everyone and desperately missed you," I inform him, sitting on the bed that we've always had made-out on.

"I haven't even looked at any girl since you left," he laughs, winking and pulling two cans of beer out from under his bed. He opens both of them and hands one to me.

"Ya know, I should be sober since I gotta go back soon, in about an hour. But we have time," I giggle, taking a sip of my Miller Lite and placing it on the night stand while climbing on top of him and straddling him.

He starts kissing my neck and turns me over so he's on top of me. All I do is moan since I'm a little rusty except meeting 3/4 of the all of the Lynch Boy's lips. I take out my camera and pull Michael away from me.

"This sounds like we're making porn, which we kinda are, but can I video tape this?" I ask him and confusion spreads over his face. "But only us making out please."


"I wanna remember how good you were," I chuckle, rubbing against his bulge.

He grins, taking another sip of his beer. "I can live with that then."

Immediately, my camera is out and on the stand taking video of us making out. We're about to take it a step further for the first time until I notice someone sitting in the tree I was just on a few minutes ago. It's a male figure and soon I see the snapback and know who it is.

I'm over to the window and opening it in a matter of 2.5 seconds. Ryland enters the room without even greeting me.

"Get the fuck away from her," Ry tells Michael. "She's mine."

"No I'm not," I say.

He turns around and looks me deep in the eyes with need. "Yes you are."

"She doesn't like you, you prick," Mike shouts to him.

"Hey man, just don't get near her ever again and we'll be cool."

"Then we'll never be cool."

Ryland punches him in the face and yells down to him, "Are we now you dickhead?"

Mike nods, but I know he's still going to follow me if I want him to or not. Slut personality or not. Michael will always get near me and seemingly never leave.

Ry takes my hand and leads me out of the bedroom and down the tree.

"What the hell were you doing with him, Molly?" he asks, as we leave Scurry Street.

"Well you don't like me anymore so I figured I needed to feel more confident, I guess, by having sex with Mike to make myself feel better inside my skin," I inform him right away, pouting a little.

"You don't need to do anything to feel better about yourself besides being with me. I will tell you how beautiful you are and how much I love you. You don't need to have sex with anyone else if you don't want to. You're mine now, Molly. I can save you."

I stop short behind him and he turns.

"What is it?" he asks, coming up to me.

Then I think he notices. Ry sees the tears in my eyes and the smile on my face despite the darkness around us.

"I want to be yours, don't you know that? I wanna do everything with you. Prom, movies, beach, make love! Anything. I just want you now. Forget Taylor and your brothers and Mike and any other boy. You're gentle unlike most guys and sweet and adorable a-a-and... I love you," I tell him, resting my hands on his forearm and looking up a little at him.

I love you.

I tend to use those 3 words when I mean it and this time, I believe I do love him. More than almost anything.

He looks startled and taken by surprise. "I-I... really?!"

All I think I can manage is a nod before he pulls me in for a kiss. Another memorable kiss that we can share without any distractions.

My arms rest on his neck and his are around my waist. It's a soft peck at first followed by a few more until his hands move down to my ass and he squeezes it. I break away a little bit and giggle for a second or two. Soon our lips are connected again but this time a bit more... intense. Our tongues meet in the middle and I nibble for a while on his bottom lip...

Except his phone rings, scaring both of us.

I chuckle when he jumps a little pulling it out of his pocket.

"Dad," he whispers. "Fuck!"

They talk a little and Ryland even shouts a bit into the phone's speaker. After he hangs up, I have to calm him down a little before he explains that we need to get back to the hotel as soon as possible.

And, before I know it, we're back in the car, him recklessly driving again.


*A/N: Yeah... I think the next chapter may be it R5ers! UNTIL THE EPILOGUE! :(*

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