Thai restaurant

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"Baby,i'm home!"you kicked off your shoes and left them by the doorway.lookig around,you saw that there was a half finished bowl of chips on a counter with a nearly diminished glass of water next to frowned and began to look for him.the bedroom door was wide open and empty,along with the bathroom. there was no way he would be in your office room so there was only one room left,the studio.

Down the hall and past your office,the door was closed and a sign of 'do not distrub' hung on the was your dinner date,how could he be working at this hour when even you were tired from working all day in the studio?

As you were turning away,the doorknob jiggled and pop out jiyong's smilling face"beb,when did you get here?""about a minute ago"you said looking at your watch on your wrist.

He grinned"perfect timing then,i just went in to send Teddy some of the base track for a new song.sorry,i didnt flip the sign"he pulled you into his arm and kissed your lips"i've missed you"

You made a sort audible agreement and kissed him back,pulling away and getting out of the hall with him behind you,headed toward the kitchen for a glass of water.

"I made a reservations at the Thai restaurant you like at eight"you said as you poured your glass of water as he finished his glass of water that was on the looked down at your watch to see that it was seven and the restaurant was at least thirty minutes away"gah....i need to change"you said
"Why?you look great"he pouted

You laughed" king is really going to let me go out like this to that restaurant?"your hands gestured toward your were definitely to dressed down."let me just go slip on a dress"You made your way out of the kitchen and hurried to the bedroom with him at your heels sighing"i will go grab a tie and jacket then"

You were inside at your half of closet,which was a total mess as he looked around his organized half of ease.taking a quick peek at his shirt,you opted for a color with a similar shade,passing thought dresses upon dresses,you finally came to one that was a deeper shade but none the less throwing it onto the bed and began to removing your clothes.your shirt and bottom flew back into your closet hamper with a plop while jiyong began to fix his tie.however,as you undid your zipper of your dress to slip it on,you couldnt help but feel his eyes on you.

"What?"you looked up
"When did you get that?"
"The dress?a few weeks ago when i was shopping with-"
"Not the dress"

You looked down at yourself and remember you had run out of undergarment and had been reduce to wearing the extremely lacy kind you had planned to use for a special couldnt help but blusing profusely."i ran out of underwear so..."

Jiyong just finished knotting his tie but now was undoing it and throwning it to the side along with his looked at him confused but he leapt forward anyway and beginning to unbottoning his shirt."i think we maybe should calncel the reservations and stay in...."he grabbed you by the hip and crashed them into his along with your lips.his fingers traced along the lace that gently hugged your bottom,caushing you to shiver."But thats love that place"you argued,pulling his hands away from your back side.

His hand fought back,no matter how fit you were,he would always be much fitter.his one hand held your wrist and the other slinked back to your laced panties.he licked his lips and traced the top of them with his index finger"this is just as rude as you i think i love this even more"he bit his lip and then cupped the lace and skin beetwen your legs

As much as it pained you to say no to thai food,your body couldnt hide your reaction to his movements.he smirked feeling the dampness forming beetwen your legs,giving a squeeze and then removing his caved slightly,bucking your hips against his hands as they left your body and into his pant pocket and pulled out his cell phone.he dialed the number of the restaurant and held it to your ear,mouthing you to cancel before placing kisses on your neck and nibbling on your collarbone.

You yelped as someone answered the phone"hello,i like to cancel tonight's reservations..."the person scolded you for such a late notice but nonetheless complied.once the conversation was over,he tossed the phone onto the dresser next to the bed.

"There,that wasnt hard,was it?if you are a good girl i'ii personally make your dinner tonight...."he released your hands and placed both of his around your hips,rubbing the small of your waist and then pushing his hands up to your chest.the hand traced the laces of your bra while his eyes fixated on the way your chest heaved quickly up and down."you like it when i do this,dont you?"he looked down at you and smirked.

You swallowed hard"jiyong...ah when did you......this?"
"I could ask you the same thing"his hands squeeze your breasts gently.
"I told you it wasnt on purpose....."you tried to escaping his grip again but he wasnt having it.

"you cant always be so innocent"he attacked his lips and let his hands wander back down to those white laces panties.your hips were grinding against his hands,aching for him to get under the laces" call that being innocent, beb?"he whispered

Your body could only manage to moan"i am"which cause him to slip two fingers into your panties.he rubbed your clit and bit your lip"still innocent?"
You nodded with holding to moan.he scoffed,amused by your resistance,pulling down your panties and sliding his fingers inside you,rocking his knuckles back and forth until you began to moan involuntarily.

"Still innocent?"You moan louder and then bit your lip,shaking your head
"What was that?you were a bad girl?"he now was thrusting his fingers in and out at a quicker pace,causing you to shake under his moan once more,closed your eyes but this was not the response he wanted and therefore stopped,directing your head in your direction with his free hand"tell me"he said.your eyes fluttered open,giving in once more"im a bad girl"you said

He smirked and laid you down on the bed,umzipping his pant and carefully removing them as you lay htere waiting impatiently .he noticed it and laughed
" you want me to hurry?"you nodded."touch yourself for me,maybe then i will be hurry"

Your eyes grew wider.he still had quite a few buttons to undo on his shirt and his boxers were still to be taken want him so badly that once again complying and shaking your head,you slipped a finger beetwen your legs and began to pleasure yourself without him as he watched.he groaned and carelessly pulled his shirt over his head without finish the unbottoning process. He pulled out his boxer and crawled on top of you.Keep going"he bit your neck"its sexy"

You shook your head,your hand reaching his hard member and stroking it"i want you and little jiyong inside me now"you said seductively.this turned him on,you could feel him twitch in your hand but he wasnt going to give"i thought you were cute and innocent""im a bad girl"you smirked"i need a bad boy inside me now"

He cussed aloud and didnt give it a second thought.he moved your hand away from his hardness and slip it inside you.rocking his hips in and out.ypu moaned happily and wrapped your arms around his neck,rocking your hips against his in a soon become intense and passionate,sweating up a storm until he feel to tired to go on.

You helped flip positions and began to ride him.his hands on your hips as he laid back sucking and bitting on his lower lip,trying to control himself from finishing before you did.his hands snaked up your body and groped your laces covered breasts,pulling down the cups of your bra and exposing the flesh ,giving each nipple a pinch and thrusting his hips up against you as you rocked.

The room was now blurring in the midst of hitting climax.his hands went back to your hips,helping you giving harder and powerful thrusts until you give him that knowing look.he groaned one last time and let himself release at that same time.your body collapsed next to him.your panties now caught around your ankle and your bra distressed.

He help you covered your breasts back up behind your bra cups and kissed your shoulder"im hungry now.we should have ask them to make a special delivery"he said

(Y/n) = your name

So that was the smut.
Hope you will like it

Ev ~xoxo^^

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