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"I wish I didn't have to babysit you every goddamn time we go out."
It's dark and humid, and the club's beat pulses so loud, it can be felt through the sidewalk just outside. Seungri leans more towards Jiyong, yet jennifer can smell the scent of straight Soju on his breath from a few steps behind. Tonight was supposed to be their night, shared together after a celebratory concert party in Osaka. It wasn't supposed to be shared with Seungri, who now slumps over his leader's shoulder and struggles to carry his own weight on two feet, seemingly made of jelly.

Nicole should be here to clean up her own mess of a boyfriend. Jennifer whispers in her mind. But thanks to her friend's absence, Seungri has to rely on his only sober hyung to get him safely back to the nearby hotel-hopefully not flooded with pools of fans. "It's just a ride to the hotel, Jiyong," She tells her boyfriend as she assists the inebriated third-wheel into the back of the taxi cab. "Then we'll be rid of him, okay?"
Jiyong responds with a low grunt, falling into the middle seat. He slips over, just enough to make room for his girlfriend. They both let out a mutual and equally exhausted sigh, Jiyong's hand falling to jennifer's bare knee. He squeezes lightly, his touch just enough to jolt something in her lower body. Goddamn it. How much longer to the hotel, again?
Just a few more blocks-until then, she lets the sights of the city occupy her mind. With each passing building, Jiyong's hand moves just a little further up her bare leg, beneath the hem of her skirt. And with each passing building, jennifer's heart flutters with just a little more impatience. Just up the street. Second story. Room 214. Why the hell can't it come any sooner?

With the same amount of struggle, Jiyong tugs his slumped maknae from the backseat. It's only a matter of time before his drunken chatter begins, and he goes off on tangents of God Knows What. He's always had a thing for Jiyong's girlfriend when he's drunk-yet when sober, he denies any sort of attraction.
Jennifer keeps her distance, letting Jiyong carry his wasted friend up two flights of stairs. striving just to get him to his room safely without the fear of the taller one slumping over and hurting himself, or worse-getting sick everywhere. Room 206. 208. 210. 212. The grey door reading 214 is where they stop, letting Seungri drunkenly dig for his room key with a stumbling slur.
"H... hyung," Seungri holds onto the door frame, other hand delved deep into every pocket with a puzzled look. "H... hyung, where's..."
Jennifer slumps against the wall, watching her boyfriend's impatient hands search the younger one as if he were a part of professional security. If ever there were such a cock-block, this would be it...
"Where did you last leave it, Seungri-yah?"
"I... I don... don't know, hyung. I don't know, hyung. I don't..."
"Fuck." Jiyong lightly curses, tugging against his maknae's jeans and jacket once, twice, and again in search for that familiar key. "Youngbae told you to keep it in your pocket, damnit!"
"I..." Seungri's hand lifts, nails brushing against the back of his head in a confused scratch. "I..."
Jiyong's fist creates a thud against the wood of Seungri's door, heavy enough to wake any nearby sleepers. His forehead soon follows, sighing in that familiar demeanor jennifer knows all-too-well, screaming 'what the fuck do I do now?' "Goddamn it. I can't believe you lost your fucking..."
Jennifer's eyes lightly roll to the ceiling. Of course this would happen. Of course Seungri would ruin her entire night alone with Jiyong-especially after her boyfriend promised her in a soft whisper, "I can't wait to get you out of those clothes, baby. I want you to feel just how much I want you." He stroked her leg beneath the round table, hidden in the back corner of the nightclub. Then he leaned over, took her earlobe between his teeth- "I'll have you cumming so hard, you'll forget your own name."
"Fuck." She mumbles against her tongue, now held firmly between her teeth. Her eyes narrow to slits as she watches the younger one pick at his thumbnail until Jiyong tugs against his sleeve, pulling him in the direction of his room shared with jennifer.
"This is the last night I'm covering for you. The last night."
Seungri only thanks his hyung with a lazy smile, nearly falling over Jiyong's shoulder when he stops him just a few doors down to pull out his own hotel room key. He waits for the familiar click of the lock, pushing through the thick door and into the darkness of the secluded-and pricey-hotel suite.
Jennifer falls to the bed, kicking her expensive shoes to the floor. "Jiyong..."
"I know, baby. I'm sorry." He whispers just low enough to keep it between the both of them, leaning down for a soft kiss to her lips. "Tomorrow night, I promise. Okay?"
She nods, lower lip still plump in a light pout. The bed creaks under her as Seungri joins her, letting out a deep, tranquil sigh. He hits the mattress with his back, sprawled against the satin sheets as if the bed were his.
"No, Seungri-yah, you get the sofa. Get up." Jiyong's voice is firm, but not enough for his maknae to comply. He hits the foot of the splayed figure to add to his command-only to get another cold shoulder. "Christ." He sighs. "I need a damn shower. If he passes out by the time I come back, just... push him to the floor, or..."
"It's okay, oppa. I've got it." Jennifer murmurs to the figure above her, leaning down for another kiss- "But..." She pulls on his hand, stopping him from turning to collect his night clothes. "If he does pass out, you're all mine. Okay?"
Jiyong's only response is a bitten lip and a smirk, casually slipping a glance to his maknae. He disappears behind the door of the elegant bathroom, leaving jennifer alone with the inebriated youngest member.
She turns, leans on her elbow to face him. And in a timbre soft enough to barely be heard over the hiss of the shower, she says, "You're such a cock-block, Seungri-oppa."
His head doesn't lift, but his lips crack into a smile. "Y... you guys can sh...still fuck. I won't b-bother you."
She shakes her head, pulls herself to her feet. "You'll pay for this." She fumbles through Jiyong's opened luggage for a t-shirt, pulls herself into the first one she can find after slipping from her skirt and blouse. She leaves the bottom opened, slipping onto the bed with the television remote in-hand. With a sigh, her head hits the headboard. Her eyes close, lips biting back a smile at the image of Jiyong's hands against her bare legs. He slips between them, fingertips grazing every inch with his lips following shortly behind until he hits her favorite sensitive spot, sucks on it until she's a shaking mess beneath him.
"Hmm." Jennifer's legs shift together slightly at the thought, sending a fluttering feeling in her lower abdomen. It takes everything and more for her not to slip a hand between her bare thighs, ready herself just a little more.
If only Seungri weren't next to her. If only-
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jennifer shifts, leg jerking away from Seungri's warm palm. "Seungri-yah!"
"Y-your legs are so s... soft, jen."
"Don't call me that." She jerks away again, "Asshole."
"Reminds me of Nicole's."
"What-" She has to hold back a shiver as she feels that familiar warmth of lips against her thigh. It shouldn't feel this good, but it does. The kiss is soft, smooth. Nothing like Jiyong's, but so experienced. So perfect. So- "Hmmm. D-don't... S-Seungri..."
He nibbles lightly, subconsciously pulling one leg away from the other. Seungri trails further up, up, further in towards her inner thigh. Closer to the throb between her legs. His fingertips move quicker, earning a light hiss when they touch that damp fabric between her legs.
"S-Seungri..." She doesn't want him to stop, but it'd be wrong of her to say yes-especially with her boyfriend just a wall away. If only it didn't feel so damn good.
He takes her moan as a mere begging sign of progression, shifting just a little to get a better chance to delve into what his leader is always bragging about. She's covered by a solid-colored piece of silk, serving as anything but a barrier between them. He strokes it, reveling in the way she grows just a little warmer at his touch.
"Seungri-yah, n-no..."
The word is nothing but a challenge to him. He knows she feels good-and he's damn determined to make her cave, no matter howmany drinks he may have had beforehand. Despite his lack of sobriety, he's well aware of how much she's enjoying him against her. She gasps when she feels a trembling finger slip past that damp fabric, finding her slightly swelled clit. "Y-you're already wet?"
"Sh-shit, stop it."
Again he disregards her voice completely, taking it as a mere challenge. She doesn't pull away-her only defense is her voice, which isn't enough to even knock a chip into Seungri's shoulder of drunken persistence. Her hand clutches his desperately as his fingertip circles her clit once, twice, and again. She writhes, shivering slightly against his touch and lips bitten together to stifle any sounds that may lead him on.
Seungri kisses her thigh, trailing his lips up, up, beneath the hem of his leader's shirt draped casually just beneath jennifer's hips. He can't ignore the way she shudders, or the tiny mewl or two she may have let slip on accident. His lips find that barrier of fabric, slipping her shirt up just a little to reveal her waist. He uses a couple of fingers to tug her free of her panties, despite her pleas not to. He tosses them to the floor, pinning her waist to the bed with two shaky hands, and delving in almost instantly with a groan.
"Y-you f-f..." jennifer nearly chokes on her sentence, teeth sewn into her bottom lip hard enough to draw blood. She resists every following urge to moan at the way his lips find her clit so quickly, tongue tracing a complex pattern against her folds. It's like Jiyong would hear her above the hissing of the shower water, should she let a cry of gratification taint the air.
"You t... taste so good, jen."
"F-fuck, stop." She's beyond the thought of even wanting to pull away, sinking into the mattress after just a few moments of strict pleasure. One hand breaks free of that forbidden barrier, finding Seungri's short locks between her fingers while the other grips the bed sheets. He starts soft, the alcohol on his breath creating a unique, warm sensation against her. But as he progresses, the once soft strokes of his tongue become more aggressive. He sucks on her clit-hard. Hard enough to let a subconscious cry slip from her chest as her spine arches from the mattress's springs. "Fuck, Seungri!" A needy moan follows as her hips buck into him just a little. She's so close to her peak, yet so far off.
Not only is she unfaithful to her own boyfriend just a wall away, but her best friend too, who resides back home to attend to her studies. Should Nicole find out about her best friend's tryst with her own drunk boyfriend, it'd be weeks before she'd acknowledge her again.
Seungri pulls jennifer's mind away from all thoughts of distrust with another hard breath against her. He doesn't slow once-only using her cries for more as a way to put more effort into making her reach her absolute high.
"F-fuck, Seungri," She moans, "F-fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm going to c-"
"What the hell is this?!"
Shit. Neither one of them even heard the water shut off in the other room; neither one even heard the bathroom door open, either. Seungri pulls away, but not in a very haste manner. In fact, jennifer's reaction is the only one with the most regret, despite how good she felt just moments before. She ignores the throbbing between her legs begging for more, heart racing in preparation to be completely confronted by an angry, jealous boyfriend.
"I... I-I..." She stutters mindlessly, hands shaking. "I... I'm sorry, Jiyong, we were just-"
"No." Jiyong starts, head shaking just light enough to let his damp, purple strands of hair exude water droplets onto his broad and bare shoulders. He steps towards the bed, kneeling next to her against the mattress. "Keep going, Seungri. She was about to cum anyways. Weren't you, jen?"
She absolutely hates it when he calls her that, but his timbre is far too enticing to be scolded. It's husky, and the way he rubs her face with his fingertips makes her shake all-the-more. She gasps when she feels that sudden warmth against her clit again, eyes fluttering lightly but never leaving Jiyong's. The angry way he stares through her makes it awful hard for her to hold back any longer-but the anger in his eyes also makes her almost afraid to cum for someone she's not supposed to. Especially in her boyfriend's presence.
Jennifer holds back another moan, stopping it at her lips as they bite together. Fuck, she wishes Seungri would stop doing that-stroking her roughly in time with her pulsing heartbeat. It isn't helping her at- "Oh, f-fuck," She lurches forward, fist hard against Jiyong's bare knee next to her as she feels another sudden warm pressure engulf her lower body. Seungri adds not one, but two fingers, finding and toying with that tender spot Jiyong always claimed during their nights together.
"Yeah, that's it," Jiyong's voice is strong, firm. "Make her cum, Seungri-yah."
"N-n... no- hmm." She's interrupted by her own moan, eyes netting together painfully hard as that sudden wave of pleasure hits her like a thousand knives in her lower stomach. She lets herself go, her muscles tightening around Seungri's paired fingers in fluttering motions as he continues his forbidden tryst between her legs-swallowing everything he's worked up for her. With an exhilarated sigh, she comes down from her high and unclenches her fist against her boyfriend's leg. She doesn't dare open her eyes to see Jiyong's angry reaction-but she has no choice when he pulls against her, tugging her shirt off with dominant hands.
"Did you like that, baby? Did that feel good?" Again, Jiyong's voice is completely assertive and it makes her grimace. But it's almost impossible to ignore that prominent bulge just beneath the hem of his boxers, grazing her arm as he shifts her body. "How 'bout you show him just how good it felt? Reward him?"
Jennifer is shifted to her stomach, bare chest grazing Seungri's denim-covered legs as he lies flat against his back. Jiyong doesn't say another word-only forcing his girlfriend's hand to the growing bulge against the lap before her. He can't be serious, she tells herself, fumbling with the button and zipper with shaky fingers. She can feel Jiyong's eyes boring through her, one hand rested against her bare hip while the other strokes her inner thigh.
The discomfort is beyond unbearable. Regardless, she pulls Seungri free of his own solid-colored boxers without hardly a second to acknowledge his abnormally gifted girth in comparison to her own boyfriend's. With a sigh of discomfort, she takes him between her lips, revels in the way he lightly bucks upward and groans in gratification at the sudden heat. It takes a few moments before she's able to lift a shaky hand, stroke the revealing part of his shaft in her palm.
"That's it, baby." Jiyong speaks from behind her, "Stroke him faster."
Jennifer does as she's told, sweaty fist pumping in time with his gentle thrusts upward as she pulls her lips away with a light pop. Seungri's eyes flutter, eyebrows knitting together with a heavy sigh.
"Put your mouth back on him."
Jennifer lets her boyfriend's voice guide her, afraid of slipping up even once. Afraid that if she makes a wrong move, she'll pay for it later on. Even though he only has a single palm rested against her back, she feels like she's enslaved, wrapped in chains and being whipped like his prisoner.
"Choke her." He demands, now of his maknae- "Make her gag, Seungri-yah."
Tears line jennifer's eyelids as Seungri grips her hair, bucking upward until the head of his cock brushes the back of her clenching throat. She gags lightly at first, but he doesn't stop there. He bucks up again and a third time, until she instinctively puts a hand against his thrusting hip to calm him.
"No, let him." Jiyong demands, palm of his hand cupping the mound between his girlfriend's legs. She jerks gently as a finger slips discreetly between her slick folds, bucking her own hips when he brushes against her clit-still throbbing from her previous orgasm. He pulls his hand away, slicking a finger with his tongue before slipping it back between her legs and letting it brush against her walls. He teases that sensitive spot with a fingertip, smirking when he feels her give way a little beneath his touch.
"Fuck, jennifer" Seungri murmurs in a husk tone, hips still bucking until those tears line her eyelids again. She closes her throat around him, flattening her tongue and letting it abrade the underside of his shaft. "F... fuck!"
"Come here." Jiyong pulls away from her, grabbing her free hand while the other holds the back of her head firmly against his maknae's thick length still engulfed by the heat of jennifer's mouth. He guides her hand to the bulge of his own lap, kneeling next to her and silently begging for her own attention. "Stroke it, babe."
She pulls his own thick length from the confines of his boxers, pumping it with a slow, shaky palm as her lips continue to work the younger one closer to his climax.
Jennifer does as she's told, fist tightening around her boyfriend's cock upon the instructing of his own firm hand. She takes a minute or two to please the both of them in unison, not a single word being said. The only sounds come from her light gagging, an occasional breathy moan from one or the other, and the gentle creak of the bed springs. And she doesn't stop until she's told, her head pulled upward by Jiyong's firm and dominant fist in her hair.
"You want him to fuck you now?" He thumbs at her bottom lip, eyes narrowed to slits. He keeps his other hand firm against her own as she continues to pump him, searching her eyes cautiously. Jiyong doesn't even let her answer before shoving her back onto the bed, her body lightly bouncing against the active springs. "Let him fuck that tight pussy."
Jennifer only nods; nods, and lets her boyfriend kneel next to her with a forceful shove of his cock between her lips. He trembles just a little before holding her face, pulling out and back in again with another compelling thrust. Beneath her, Seungri shifts from his clothes. Her legs rest trembling and opened before him, making her throb just a little more at the thought of feeling that certain high again-the certain high she thought she wouldn't get to experience, due to Seungri's presence earlier tonight. But with him here, it only adds up.

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